15:00 |
DY 8.1 |
Enhanced nonequilibrium fluctuations of particles driven through a viscoelastic bath — •Johannes Berner, Juan Ruben Gomez-Solano, and Clemens Bechinger
15:15 |
DY 8.2 |
Nonequilibrium thermodynamics in the strong coupling and non-Markovian regime based on a reaction coordinate mapping — •Philipp Strasberg, Gernot Schaller, Neill Lambert, and Tobias Brandes
15:30 |
DY 8.3 |
Bridging the gap between atomistic and macroscopic models of homogeneous nucleation — •Bingqing Cheng, Gareth Tribello, and Michele Ceriotti
15:45 |
DY 8.4 |
Nonequilibrium thermodynamics by nonlocal quantum kinetic theory — •Klaus Morawetz and Pavel Lipavsky
16:00 |
DY 8.5 |
Bethe-ansatz solution for ASEP with reflecting boundaries and its application to polymer dynamics — •Wenwen Huang, YenTing Lin, Daniela Frömberg, Frank Jülicher, and Vasily Zaburdaev
16:15 |
DY 8.6 |
Quantum thermodynamics with local control — •Rodrigo Gallego, Jaqueline Lekscha, Henrik Wilming, and Jens Eisert
16:30 |
DY 8.7 |
Driven open quantum systems and Floquet stroboscopic dynamics — •Sebastian Restrepo, Javier Cerrillo, Victor M. Bastidas, Dimitri Angelakis, and Tobias Brandes
16:45 |
15 min. break
17:00 |
DY 8.8 |
Driven quantum baths — •Joscha Reichert, Peter Nalbach, Hermann Grabert, and Michael Thorwart
17:15 |
DY 8.9 |
Jarzynski equality beyond thermal Gibbs states — •Daniel Schmidtke and Jochen Gemmer
17:30 |
DY 8.10 |
Manipulating decoherence and relexation by adding non-commuting noise — •Timo Palm and Peter Nalbach
17:45 |
DY 8.11 |
Universality of entropy production in driven diffusions — •Simone Pigolotti, Izaak Neri, Édgar Roldán, and Frank Jülicher
18:00 |
DY 8.12 |
Reducing the roughness in non-equilibrium surface growth by controlled temperature modulations — •Thomas Martynec and Sabine H.L. Klapp
18:15 |
DY 8.13 |
The third law for finite non-equilibrium resources — •Henrik Wilming and Rodrigo Gallego
18:30 |
DY 8.14 |
Fluctuation-dissipation relations far from equilibrium — •Bernhard Altaner, Matteo Polettini, and Massimiliano Esposito
18:45 |
DY 8.15 |
Solvent Coarsening around a Colloid upon Cooling — •Sutapa Roy, S Dietrich, and Ania Maciolek
19:00 |
DY 8.16 |
Depinning as a coagulation process — •Muhittin Mungan, Melih Iseri, and David Kaspar