09:30 |
HL 10.1 |
Carrier dynamics in tunnel-injection quantum-dot structures — •Stephan Michael, Michael Lorke, Christian Carmesin, and Frank Jahnke
09:45 |
HL 10.2 |
Simulation of monolithically integrated GaAs-AlGaAs core-shell nanowire lasers on silicon waveguides — •Jochen Bissinger, Thomas Stettner, Tobias Kostenbader, Daniel Ruhstorfer, Gregor Koblmueller, and Jonathan Finley
10:00 |
HL 10.3 |
The impact of detuning on the performance of semiconductor disk lasers — Fan Zhang, Christoph Möller, Martin Koch, Stephan Koch, •Arash Rahimi-Iman, and Wolfgang Stolz
10:15 |
HL 10.4 |
The MECSEL: A new laser concept towards AlGaInP-based direct laser emission in the orange spectral range — •Raffael Pecoroni, Hermann Kahle, Roman Bek, Michael Jetter, and Peter Michler
10:30 |
HL 10.5 |
Quantum dot micropillar lasers subject to time-delayed optical feedback — •Steffen Holzinger, Xavier Porte, Benjamin Lingnau, Kathy Lüdge, Christian Schneider, Martin Kamp, Sven Höfling, and Stephan Reitzenstein
10:45 |
Coffee Break
11:15 |
HL 10.6 |
Generation of high frequency oscillations independently of the external cavity length in a semiconductor laser with optical feedback — •Chi-Hak UY, Lionel WEICKER, Martin VIRTE, Emeric MERCIER, Delphine WOLFERSBERGER, and Marc SCIAMANNA
11:30 |
HL 10.7 |
Mode-locking dynamics and pulse train stability of monolithic two-section quantum-well semiconductor lasers emitting at 1070 nm with different lengths and gain-to-absorber section length ratios — •Christoph Weber, Andreas Klehr, Andrea Knigge, and Stefan Breuer
11:45 |
HL 10.8 |
k-space engineering of laser modes in organic microcavities with photonic lattices — •Mona Kliem, Andreas Mischok, Hartmut Fröb, and Karl Leo
12:00 |
HL 10.9 |
Intensity and Wavefront Analysis of Multimode Semiconductor Lasers — •Inga-Maria Eichentopf and Martin Reufer
12:15 |
HL 10.10 |
Analysis of ultra-low threshold lasing from a nanobeam laser with a quantum-well gain material — •Frederik Lohof, Stephan Jagsch, Noelia Vico Triviño, Gordon Callsen, Stefan Kalinowski, Ian Rousseau, Jean-François Carlin, Raphaël Butté, Axel Hoffmann, Nicolas Grandjean, Frank Jahnke, Stephan Reitzenstein, and Christopher Gies