18:30 |
HL 28.1 |
Hybrid photovoltaics based on diblock copolymer structured, mesoporous Ge thin films — •Andreas Hetzenecker, Nuri Hohn, Michael Giebel, Thomas F. Fässler, and Peter Müller-Buschbaum
18:30 |
HL 28.2 |
Ultrafast charge and exciton dynamics in CH3NH3PbI3 — •Kestutis Budzinauskas, Yajun Gao, Elina Patsikatheodorou, Tobias Schneider, Selina Otlhof, Klaus Meerholz, and Paul H.M van Loosdrecht
18:30 |
HL 28.3 |
Ultrafast charge and exciton dynamics in CH3NH3PbI3 — •Kestutis Budzinauskas, Yajun Gao, Elina Patsikatheodorou, Tobias Schneider, Selina Otlhof, Klaus Meerholz, and Paul H.M. van Loosdrecht
18:30 |
HL 28.4 |
morphology evolution of titania films during in situ spray coating for perovskite solar cells — •Bo Su, Herbert A. Caller-Guzman, Volker Körstgens, Yichuan Rui, Yuan Yao, Stephan V. Roth, and Peter Müller-Buschbaum
18:30 |
HL 28.5 |
Influence of processing parameters on the morphology of perovskite solar cells — •Armin Schreiber, Johannes Schlipf, and Peter Müller-Buschbaum
18:30 |
HL 28.6 |
Morphology of Perovskite-Based Hybrid Solar Cells — •Kiran Mathew John, Johannes Schlipf, and Peter Müller-Buschbaum
18:30 |
HL 28.7 |
Polarisation resolved optical spectroscopy of single CsPbI3 nanocrystals — •Mirko Goldmann, Daniela Täuber, Juanzi Shi, Junsheng Chen, Maria E. Messing, Kaibo Zheng, and Ivan G. Scheblykin
18:30 |
HL 28.8 |
Gold cluster growth kinetics at the metal-polymer interface of water-processed hybrid solar cells studied by in-situ GISAXS sputter deposition — •Adrian Haussmann, Volker Körstgens, Franziska Löhrer, Martin Wörle, Hristo Iglev, Reinhard Kienberger, Matthias Schwartzkopf, Alexander Hinz, Oleksandr Polonskyi, Thomas Strunskus, Franz Faupel, Stephan V. Roth, and Peter Müller-Buschbaum
18:30 |
HL 28.9 |
Reduction of Hysteresis through PCBM in Planar Perovskite Solar Cells — •Yu Zhong, Carlos Andres Melo Luna, Richard Hildner, Cheng Li, and Sven Hüttner
18:30 |
HL 28.10 |
Impact of additional PbI2 and the grain size on optical properties in hybrid lead halide perovskites — •Tobias Meier, Fabian Panzer, Tanaji Gujar, Mukundan Thelakkat, and Anna Köhler
18:30 |
HL 28.11 |
Tuning the pore size of mesoporous titania films for hybrid solar cells — •Steffen Schlosser, Nuri Hohn, Lorenz Biessmann, Senlin Xia, and Peter Müller-Buschbaum
18:30 |
HL 28.12 |
Scanning force microscopy on perovskites — Ilka M. Hermes, Victor W. Bergmann, Dan Li, Alexander Klasen, Simon Bretschneider, Markus Mezger, Rüdiger Berger, Wolfgang Tremel, and •Stefan A.L. Weber
18:30 |
HL 28.13 |
Interface control of in-situ polymerized native polythiophene thin films — •Sebastian B. Weiß, Jenny Lebert, and Eva M. Herzig
18:30 |
HL 28.14 |
Fabrication and Characterization of Mesoscopic Perovskite Solar Cells — •Margret Eva Thordardottir, Oliver Filonik, Peter Müller-Buschbaum, and Eva M. Herzig
18:30 |
HL 28.15 |
Two-Photon Photoluminescence from Quantum-Dot-Like Perovskite Nanocubes — •Alexander Biewald, Veit Giegold, Richard Ciesielski, Fatma Meltem Aygüler, Nicolai Friedrich Hartmann, Pablo Docampo, and Achim Hartschuh
18:30 |
HL 28.16 |
Investigation of planar perovskite solar cells by means of electrical impedance spectroscopy — •Markus Jakob, David Kiermasch, Mathias Fischer, Phillip Rieder, Andreas Baumann, and Vladimir Dyakonov
18:30 |
HL 28.17 |
Transient absorption spectroscopy of hole transport materials for perovskite solar cells — Jonas Hölzer, Johannes Klein, Mirko Scholz, Thomas Lenzer, and •Kawon Oum
18:30 |
HL 28.18 |
Investigation of the photophysical properties of methylammonium lead halide perovskite solar cells by electroluminescence spectroscopy — •Simon Berger, Philipp Rieder, David Kiermasch, Mathias Fischer, Kristofer Tvingstedt, Andreas Baumann, and Vladimir Dyakonov
18:30 |
HL 28.19 |
Doping design for hole transport materials in perovskite solar cells — •Lorena Perdigón Toro, Christian M. Wolff, Malavika Arvind, and Dieter Neher
18:30 |
HL 28.20 |
Temperature-dependent optical spectra of (CH3NH3)PbBr3 single-crystals cleaved in ultrahigh vacuum — •Oskar Schuster, Max Wilhelm, Daniel Niesner, Ievgen Levchuk, Andres Osvet, Shreetu Shrestha, Miroslaw Batentschuk, Christoph Brabec, and Thomas Fauster
18:30 |
HL 28.21 |
Photoinduced Charge Generation and Dynamics in Mixed Formamidinium Methylammonium Lead Halide Perovskite Thin Films as Observed by fs Transient Absorption Spectroscopy — •Jonas Horn, Iulia Minda, Heinrich Schwoerer, and Derck Schlettwein
18:30 |
HL 28.22 |
Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells based on Low-Temperature Electrodeposited ZnO and Co(II/III) Redox Electrolyte — •Raffael Ruess, Sebastian Haas, Andreas Ringleb, and Derck Schlettwein
18:30 |
HL 28.23 |
Temperature and illumination intensity dependent photoluminescence of methylammonium lead iodide perovskites — •Fabian Meier, Sebastian Reichert, Seth Niklas Schumann, Alexander Wagenpfahl, and Carsten Deibel
18:30 |
HL 28.24 |
Stability and Performance of ZnO-based Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells in Contact to a Co(II/III) Redox Electrolyte — •Sebastian Haas, Raffael Ruess, and Derck Schlettwein
18:30 |
HL 28.25 |
Temperature-dependent transient photocurrent measurements on organic-inorganic halide perovskite solar cells — •Ina Kelz, Nico Weber, Fabian Ruf, Tobias Abzieher, Nadja Giesbrecht, Meltem F. Aygüler, Pablo Docampo, Heinz Kalt, and Michael Hetterich
18:30 |
HL 28.26 |
High Energy Resolution Fluorescence Detected X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy on Lead Halide Perovskite Precursors — •Pascal Becker, Justus Just, Charles J. Hages, Oliver Müller, and Thomas Unold
18:30 |
HL 28.27 |
Capacitance spectroscopy on perovskite solar cells and MIS devices — •David Diering, Christian M. Wolff, Charles J. Hages, Thomas Unold, and Dieter Neher
18:30 |
HL 28.28 |
Origin and Location of Trap States in Perovskite Films — •Tobias Seewald, Carola Ebenhoch, Philipp Ehrenreich, Rebecca Milot, Susanne Birkhold, Laura Herz, and Lukas Schmidt-Mende
18:30 |
HL 28.29 |
Vacuum chamber for in-operando grazing-incidence X-ray scattering experiments on novel thin-film solar cells — •Bernhard Kalis, Johannes Schlipf und Peter Müller-Buschbaum
18:30 |
HL 28.30 |
Spectroscopic investigation of trap states related to loss mechanisms in hybrid perovskite solar cells — •Sebastian Reichert, Fabian Meier, Alexander Wagenpfahl, and Carsten Deibel
18:30 |
HL 28.31 |
Charge transfer emission at metal oxide/organic hybrid interfaces — •Stefan Zeiske, Fortunato Piersimoni, Ulrich Hörmann, Lukas Hoffmann, Thomas Riedl, and Dieter Neher
18:30 |
HL 28.32 |
Mobility measurement in organic materials with TOF at cells using perovskite as charge generation layer — •Markus Feuerstein, John Love, Christian Wolf, and Dieter Neher