15:00 |
HL 64.1 |
Chemical and electronic properties of Pt/In2O3 interfaces — •Jonas Michel, Theresa Berthold, Stefan Krischok, Marcel Himmerlich, Julius Rombach, Oliver Bierwagen, Holger von Wenckstern, and Marius Grundmann
15:00 |
HL 64.2 |
Charge storage in β-FeSi2 nanoparticles — •Fangfei Li, Martin Geller, Hans Orthner, Jens Theis, Hartmut Wiggers, and Axel Lorke
15:00 |
HL 64.3 |
Optimizing Vertical Organic Field Effect Transistors — •Marco Höppner, Alrun Günther, Michael Sawatzki, and Karl Leo
15:00 |
HL 64.4 |
Template-directed Nanoengineering for Promoted Solar Water Splitting — •Min Zhou, Yang Xu, Liying Liang, Benrong Hai, and Yong Lei
15:00 |
HL 64.5 |
Solution-producible solar cells with CuInS2- and ZnO nanoparticles — •Harald Reinhold, Dorothea Scheunemann, Jürgen Parisi, and Holger Borchert
15:00 |
HL 64.6 |
Empirical electronic structure correction for DFT-based calculations — •Hanh Bui, Jens Hühnert, Anastasia Karpulevich, Peng Han, and Gabriel Bester
15:00 |
HL 64.7 |
Influence of long chain carboxylates as precursor on the performance of ZnO TFTs — •Cristian Telescu, Jonas Köhling, and Veit Wagner
15:00 |
HL 64.8 |
Influence of long chain carboxylates as precursor on the performance of ZnO TFTs — •Jonas Köhling and Veit Wagner
15:00 |
HL 64.9 |
MgZnO/ZnO quantum wells with distinct quantum-confined stark effect grown on a highly conductive ZnO:Al back contact layer — •Max Kneiß, Gabriele Benndorf, Holger von Wenckstern, and Marius Grundmann
15:00 |
HL 64.10 |
H2S-sensing with ZnO NWs and the role of oxygen in the sensing mechanism — •Angelika Kaiser, Florian Huber, Sören Riegert, Manfred Madel, and Klaus Thonke
15:00 |
HL 64.11 |
Is the oxygen vacancy in ZnO connected to the E3 deep level defect? — •R. Pickenhain, M. Schmidt, H. von Wenckstern, A. Pöppl, G. Benndorf, and M. Grundmann
15:00 |
HL 64.12 |
Optical Characterization of iron doped ZnO — •Sebastian Bauer, Florian Huber, Benjamin Neuschl, Matthias Schreck, and Klaus Thonke
15:00 |
HL 64.13 |
Nonlinear Optical Properties of SnS based Cluster Molecules — •Vanessa Dahmen, Nils W. Rosemann, Jens P. Eußner, Andreas Beyer, Kerstin Volz, Stephan W. Koch, Stefanie Dehnen, and Sangam Chatterjee
15:00 |
HL 64.14 |
Determination of electronic trap states in polymer based diodes and their impact on the charge carrier mobility — •Michael Bretschneider, Alexander Wagenpfahl, and Carsten Deibel
15:00 |
HL 64.15 |
Hole Transport in Low Donor Content Organic Solar Cells — •Donato Spoltore, Andreas Hofacker, Johannes Benduhn, Sascha Ullbrich, Olaf Zeika, Sebastian Schellhammer, Frank Ortmann, and Koen Vandewal
15:00 |
HL 64.16 |
Solution processing of vertical organic field-effect transistors with TIPS-Pentacene — •David Kneppe, Alrun Günther, Michael Sawatzki, and Karl Leo
15:00 |
HL 64.17 |
Voltage dependent photoluminescence spectroscopy of dye-sensitized solar cells — •Nico Hofeditz, Ingo Meyenburg, Jane Falgenhauer, Melanie Rudolph, Nils Rosemann, Sangam Chatterjee, Derck Schlettwein, and Wolfram Heimbrodt
15:00 |
HL 64.18 |
Reorganization and disorder effects of the charge transfer state in organic solar cells — •Clemens Göhler and Carsten Deibel
15:00 |
HL 64.19 |
Diffuse Transmission and Reflection of Light Scattering Polymer Substrates for Organic Light-emitting Diodes — •Pen Yiao Ang, Georg Marks, Abdalla Mahmoud, Axel Fischer, Simone Lenk, and Sebastian Reineke
15:00 |
HL 64.20 |
Nongeminate Recombination in Organic Solar Cells — •Christopher Wöpke, Christoph Baumbach, and Carsten Deibel
15:00 |
HL 64.21 |
Charge carrier mobility in fullerene-blended squaraine thin films and the impact of correct layer thickness determination — •Majvor Mack, Matthias Schulz, Arne Lützen, and Manuela Schiek
15:00 |
HL 64.22 |
Influence of white light and voltage bias on EQE measurements for squaraine based solar cells with varying active layer parameters — •Oliver Kolloge, Matthias Schulz, Arne Lützen, and Manuela Schiek
15:00 |
HL 64.23 |
Optical Spectroscopy on Organic DNTT Crystals — •Benjamin Heidelmeier, Marleen Axt, Andrea Karthäuser, Gregor Witte, and Wolfram Heimbrodt
15:00 |
HL 64.24 |
Optical Spectroscopy on Organic Molecules and Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Structures for Photodynamic Therapy and Organic Solar Cells — •Luise Rost, Ingo Meyenburg, Martin Liebold, Jan Tinz, Derck Schlettwein, Jörg Sundermeyer, and Wolfram Heimbrodt
15:00 |
HL 64.25 |
Electric field controlled dopant distribution in P3HT Films — •Marc-Michael Barf, Christian Willig, Lars Müller, Robert Lovrincic, and Wolfgang Kowalsky
15:00 |
HL 64.26 |
Electroreflectance studies of Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)2 solar cell absorber and buffer layers — •Jasmin Seeger, Oliver Kiowski, Michael Powalla, Heinz Kalt, and Michael Hetterich
15:00 |
HL 64.27 |
Co-evaporated CZTSe solar cells: influence of Cu deposition rate during precursor processing on the growth and device performance — Lwitiko Mwakyusa, •Markus Neuwirth, Max Reimer, Simon Woska, Willi Kogler, Thomas Schnabel, Erik Ahlswede, Bryce Richards, Heinz Kalt, and Michael Hetterich
15:00 |
HL 64.28 |
Effects of selenium-to-sulphur ratio in Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 absorbers for thin-film solar cells — •Elisabeth Seydel, Markus Neuwirth, Michael Wolf, Lwitiko Mwakyusa, Thomas Schnabel, Erik Ahlswede, Willi Kogler, Heinz Kalt, and Michael Hetterich
15:00 |
HL 64.29 |
Approaches for the incorporation of Ge into wet-chemically produced Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 solar cells — •Michael Wolf, Markus Neuwirth, Elisabeth Seydel, Thomas Schnabel, Erik Ahlswede, Willi Kogler, Heinz Kalt, and Michael Hetterich
15:00 |
HL 64.30 |
Absorber surface treatment and alternative buffer layers for Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 solar cells — •Markus Neuwirth, Elisabeth Seydel, Michael Wolf, Lwitiko Mwakyusa, Thomas Schnabel, Erik Ahlswede, Heinz Kalt, and Michael Hetterich
15:00 |
HL 64.31 |
Open circuit voltage (VOC) in GaAs based quantum well solar cell by using III-V semiconducting materials: A Numerical Simulation Study — •Bhaskar Singh and Daniel Schaadt
15:00 |
HL 64.32 |
Time resolved photoluminescence of Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 solar cell absorbers with varying composition — Mario Lang, Tobias Renz, Niklas Mathes, Markus Neuwirth, Thomas Schnabel, •André Schendel, Heinz Kalt, and Michael Hetterich
15:00 |
HL 64.33 |
Structural and electronic characterization of crystalline silicon-aluminum oxide interfaces — •Hannah Stolzenburg, Arne Ahrens, and Michael Seibt
15:00 |
HL 64.34 |
Ultra-Thin Resonant Cavity Enhanced Amorphous Germanium Solar Cells on Zinc Oxide Honeycomb Structures — •Colleen Lattyak, Regina-Elisabeth Ravekes, Volker Steenhoff, Martin Vehse, and Carsten Agert
15:00 |
HL 64.35 |
Cross-section electron beam induced voltage investigations of different p-n junctions — •Tobias Westphal, Patrick Peretzki, and Michael Seibt
15:00 |
HL 64.36 |
Analysis and preparation of In2S3:V intermediate band solar cells — •Tanja Jawinski, Leonard Wägele, Holger von Wenckstern, Marius Grundmann, and Roland Scheer
15:00 |
HL 64.37 |
Secondary phase investigation on kesterite materials using X-ray absorption spectroscopy — •Konrad Ritter, Sergio Giraldo, Galina Gurieva, Laura Elisa Valle Rios, Götz Schuck, Edgardo Saucedo, Susan Schorr, and Claudia S. Schnohr
15:00 |
HL 64.38 |
Composition - dependent atomic - scale structure of Cu2(Zn,Fe)SnS4 — •Cora Preiß, Konrad Ritter, Philipp Schöppe, Susan Schorr, and Claudia S. Schnohr
15:00 |
HL 64.39 |
Absolute distance semiconductor laser self-interferometry towards microscopy object position detection — •Daniel Hartnagel, Christoph Weber, and Stefan Breuer
15:00 |
HL 64.40 |
Optical feedback stabilization of a passively mode-locked multi quantum well semiconductor laser emitting at 1070 nm — •Dominik Auth, Christoph Weber, Andreas Klehr, Andrea Knigge, and Stefan Breuer
15:00 |
HL 64.41 |
Pulse train stabilization of a passively mode-locked quantum dot laser emitting at 1250 nm subject to single and dual long fiber optical self-feedback — •Sebastian Stutz, Oleg Nikiforov, Christoph Weber, Thomas Walther, and Stefan Breuer
15:00 |
HL 64.42 |
Passively mode-locked quantum dot laser emitting at 1250 nm operated in a low temperature environment — •Sebastian Stutz, Christoph Weber, and Stefan Breuer Breuer
15:00 |
HL 64.43 |
Development of AlGaInP-based electrically-pumped VECSELs emitting in the red spectral range — •Mona Stadler, Matthias Paul, Stefan Hepp, Michael Jetter, and Peter Michler
15:00 |
HL 64.44 |
Injection Locking of Spontaneous Emission Enhanced Microlaser — •Felix Krüger, Elisabeth Schlottmann, Steffen Holzinger, Christian Schneider, Sven Höfling, Martin Kamp, Janik Wolters, Xavier Porte, and Stephan Reitzenstein
15:00 |
HL 64.45 |
Emitter and absorber assembly for multiple self-dual operation and directional transparency — •Christian V. Morfonios, Panayotis A. Kalozoumis, Georgios Kodaxis, Fotios K. Diakonos, and Peter Schmelcher
15:00 |
HL 64.46 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.