Dresden 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
HL 67: Perovskites, Hybrid Photovoltaics and Plasmonics
Donnerstag, 23. März 2017, 09:30–11:15, POT 81
09:30 |
HL 67.1 |
Analytical representation of dynamical quantities in GW from a matrix resolvent — •Jan Gesenhues, Dmitrii Nabok, Michael Rohlfing, and Claudia Draxl
09:45 |
HL 67.2 |
Ultrafast photo-switching of hybrid polaritons in black phosphorus heterostructures — •Fabian Sandner, Markus A. Huber, Fabian Mooshammer, Markus Plankl, Leonardo Viti, Lukas Z. Kastner, Tobias Frank, Jaroslav Fabian, Miriam S. Vitiello, Tyler L. Cocker, and Rupert Huber
10:00 |
Coffee Break
10:15 |
HL 67.3 |
Hierarchical Anodic Aluminum Oxide Membranes as Promising Platform for Constructing Plasmonic Structure — •Yi Wang, Shuping Xu, Weiqing Xu, Huaping Zhao, and Yong Lei
10:30 |
HL 67.4 |
Investigation of Surface Plasmons on β-Sn Segregations of GeSn-Nanostructures — •Felix Reichmann, Viktoria Schlykow, Subhajit Guha, Peter Zaumseil, David Stolarek, and Thomas Schröder
10:45 |
HL 67.5 |
2D Quasicrystals from Semiconducting Perovskite Oxides — •Wolf Widdra and Stefan Förster