09:30 |
KR 1.1 |
Octahedral tilt nanostructure in bismuth-based relaxors — •Wolfgang Donner, Florian Pforr, Marton Major, Uwe Stuhr, and Bertrand Roessli
09:50 |
KR 1.2 |
Robust in-plane ferroelectricity over room temperature in atomic-thick SnTe — •Kai Chang, Junwei Liu, Haicheng Lin, Na Wang, Kun Zhao, Yong Zhong, Xiaopeng Hu, Wenhui Duan, Liang Fu, Qi-Kun Xue, Xi Chen, Shuai-Hua Ji, and Stuart Parkin
10:10 |
KR 1.3 |
Flexoelectric Impact on the Formation of Domain Structures and the Polarization Switching in Thin Ferroelectric Films — •Ivan Vorotiahin, Anna Morozovska, Eugene Eliseev, and Yuri Genenko
10:30 |
KR 1.4 |
Crystalline high-pressure phases in the Bi–Co system — •Leonore Wiehl, Shrikant Bhat, Iliya Radulov, Konstantin Skokov, Michael Dürrschnabel, Leopoldo Molina-Luna, Sabrina Sicolo, Leopold Diop, Dmitriy Karpenkov, Norimasa Nishiyama, Hans-Joachim Kleebe, Karsten Albe, Ralf Riedel, and Oliver Gutfleisch
10:50 |
20 min. break
11:10 |
KR 1.5 |
Tunability of polymeric whispering gallery mode micro-lasers — •Tobias Siegle, S. Schierle, S. Krämmer, A. M. Flatae, M. Remmel, B. Richter, S. Nocentini, C. Parmeggiani, H. Zeng, M. Burresi, D. Wiersma, S. F. Wondimu, P. Schuch, C. Koos, and H. Kalt
11:30 |
KR 1.6 |
Interface engineering in all-oxide BaxSr1−xTiO3 thin-film varactors with highly conducting SrMoO3 electrodes — •Patrick Salg, Aldin Radetinac, Dominik Walk, Holger Maune, Rolf Jacoby, Philipp Komissinskiy, and Lambert Alff
11:50 |
KR 1.7 |
The pyroelectric coefficient of free standing GaN grown by HVPE — •Sven Jachalke, Patrick Hofmann, Gunnar Leibiger, Frank S. Habel, Erik Mehner, Tilmann Leisegang, Dirk C. Meyer, and Thomas Mikolajick
12:10 |
KR 1.8 |
Confocal Raman analysis of diffusion profiles in ion exchanged waveguides in PPKTP — •Julian Brockmeier, Michael Rüsing, Christof Eigner, Laura Padberg, Gerhard Berth, Christine Silberhorn, and Artur Zrenner