Dresden 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
KR 3: Crystallography - poster session
Mittwoch, 22. März 2017, 18:00–20:00, P4
18:00 |
KR 3.1 |
Structural and magneto-electric investigations of Erythrosiderites — •Tobias Fröhlich, Daniel Brüning, Ladislav Bohatý, Petra Becker, and Markus Braden
18:00 |
KR 3.2 |
Investigation of new phases in the Ba-Si phase diagram under high pressure by ab initio structural search — •Jingming Shi, Wenwen Cui, José Flores-Livas, Alfonso San-Miguel, Silvana Botti, and Miguel Marques
18:00 |
KR 3.3 |
Watching the Verwey transition of Magnetite by Timeresolved X-Ray diffraction — •Alexander von Reppert, Jan-Etienne Pudell, Flavio Zamponi, Azize Koc, Stephan Geprägs, Jose Emilio Lorenzo, Luc Ortega, Matthias Reinhardt, and Matias Bargheer
18:00 |
KR 3.4 |
Detection of pressure and density waves (acustic waves) in liquid crystal near the phase transition temperature by gold nano particle — •Ricardo Rose, Andre Heber und Frank Cichos
18:00 |
KR 3.5 |
Ga3+ Substitution in the Brownmillerite-Type Phase Ca2Fe2O5: Structural and Spectroscopic Investigations — •Quirin Stahl, Andreas Reyer, Reinhard Wagner, Gerold Tippelt, and Günther J. Redhammer
18:00 |
KR 3.6 |
Synthesis and controlled growth of α-RuCl3 crystals on the nanoscale via chemical vapour transport (CVT) — •Martin Grönke, Mihai-Ionut Sturza, Barbara Eichler, Sandra Schiemenz, Victoria Eckert, Silke Hampel, and Bernd Büchner