18:00 |
MI 7.1 |
Anisotropic X-ray optics for laboratory-based X-ray Imaging — •Toni Schiller, Malte Vassholz, and Tim Salditt
18:00 |
MI 7.2 |
Ultra-narrow Germanium-slits and waveguides for laboratory and synchrotron x-ray applications — •Ferdinand Döring, Sarah Hoffmann-Urlaub, Mike Kanbach, and Tim Salditt
18:00 |
MI 7.3 |
Simulation and Reconstruction of Coherent Modes for Near Field Imaging — •Johannes Hagemann and Tim Salditt
18:00 |
MI 7.4 |
Improving Holographic Image Reconstruction by Statistical Multi-resolution Estimation — •Stephan Kramer and Johannes Hagemann
18:00 |
MI 7.5 |
Pre-Studies towards phase-contrast imaging in the field of laboratory astroparticle physics — •Max Schuster, Veronika Ludwig, Jens Rieger, Maria Seifert, Andreas Wolf, Georg Pelzer, Thilo Michel, Gisela Anton, and Stefan Funk
18:00 |
MI 7.6 |
Adaption of conventional CCD cameras for grazing-emission X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy in the laboratory — •Steffen Staeck, Veronika Szwedowski, Jonas Baumann, Ioanna Mantouvalou, and Birgit Kanngießer
18:00 |
MI 7.7 |
Correlative Microscopy and Image Fusion of SIMS and Electron Microscopy data — •Florian Vollnhals, Santhana Eswara, Jean-Nicolas Audinot, David Dowsett, and Tom Wirtz
18:00 |
MI 7.8 |
Source, accelerator and micro-beam line upgrade of the Göttingen proton beam writing facility at MaRPel — •Alrik Stegmaier, Hans Hofsäss, Stefan Nießner, Clemens Beckmann, and Ulrich Vetter
18:00 |
MI 7.9 |
Positioning planar scanning probes by super-resolution microscopy — •Stefan Ernst and Friedemann Reinhard
18:00 |
MI 7.10 |
Construction of Ambient Simultaneous Scanning Tunneling /Atomic Force Microscope (STM/AFM) — •Ipen Demirel, Ahmed Uluca, Majid Fazeli Jadidi, and Hakan Özgür Özer
18:00 |
MI 7.11 |
An optical setup for focusing THz radiation on a Scanning Tunneling Microscope tip — Mohamad Abdo, •Steffen Rolf-Pissarczyk, Jacob Burgess, Björn Schlie, and Sebastian Loth
18:00 |
MI 7.12 |
X-ray crystallography study of Cu-Ga sputter target alloys for Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin film solar cells by means of Kossel microdiffraction in the SEM — •Tijani Dmali, Enrico Langer, and Siegfried Däbritz
18:00 |
MI 7.13 |
Investigation of biological structures from fossils and simulation of their optical properties — •Ran Zhang, Enrico Langer, Barbara Adolphi, Andreas Voigt, and Andreas Richter
18:00 |
MI 7.14 |
Nanokomposit-Kondensatoren - morphologische und dielektrische Charakterisierung — •Till Mälzer, Tino Band, Sandra Wickert, Frank Apsel, Hartmut S. Leipner, Martin Diestelhorst und Stefan Ebbinghaus