Dresden 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MM 13: Electronic Structure Theory: New Concepts and Developments in Density Functional Theory and Beyond - II
Montag, 20. März 2017, 15:00–18:15, GER 38
15:00 |
MM 13.1 |
Towards efficient orbital-dependent density functionals for weak and strong correlation — •Igor Ying Zhang, Patrick Rinke, John P. Perdew, and Matthias Scheffler
15:30 |
MM 13.2 |
Towards a functional for strong correlation via semiclassical model for the indirect energy and local interpolation along the adiabatic connection — •Stefan Vuckovic and Paola Gori-Giorgi
15:45 |
MM 13.3 |
Benchmark of GW approaches for the GW100 test set — •Patrick Rinke, Matthias Dauth, Fabio Caruso, and Michiel van Setten
16:00 |
MM 13.4 |
Addressing electron-hole correlation in core excitations of solids: A first-principles all-electron approach based on many-body perturbation theory — •Christian Vorwerk, Caterina Cocchi, and Claudia Draxl
16:15 |
MM 13.5 |
Non-linear-screening contributions to photoemission spectra — •Marilena Tzavala, Claudia Rödl, and Lucia Reining
16:30 |
MM 13.6 |
Dynamic LDA for electronic excitations — •Marco Vanzini, Matteo Gatti, and Lucia Reining
16:45 |
MM 13.7 |
Recent developments of the Sternheimer-GW method — •Martin Schlipf, Henry Lambert, and Feliciano Giustino
17:00 |
MM 13.8 |
Calculating electronic correlations in the CASTEP ab initio code — •Vincent Sacksteder and Evgeny Plekhanov
17:15 |
MM 13.9 |
Efficient G0W0 using localized basis sets: a benchmark for molecules — •Peter Koval, Mathias Per Ljungberg, and Daniel Sánchez Portal
17:30 |
MM 13.10 |
A dynamic exchange correlation kernel derived from recent results for the homogeneous electron gas — •Martin Panholzer, Matteo Gatti, and Lucia Reining
17:45 |
MM 13.11 |
Benchmark calculations of the electronic structure for molecules from the second-Born self-energy — •Michael Schüler and Yaroslav Pavlyukh
18:00 |
MM 13.12 |
Performance of the GW approximation at reproducing key features in exact Kohn-Sham potentials — •Jack Wetherell, Leopold Talirz, Matt Hodgson, and Rex Godby