Dresden 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MM 14: Topical session: Interface-Controlled Microstructures: Mechanical Properties and Mechano-Chemical Coupling - Electro- and mechno-chemical coupling
Montag, 20. März 2017, 15:45–17:15, BAR 205
15:45 |
MM 14.1 |
Electrocapillary coupling at metal surfaces from first principles — •Anja Michl, Jörg Weissmüller, and Stefan Müller
16:00 |
MM 14.2 |
Curvature induced stress and phase-boundary diffusion — •Raphael Schiedung, Reza Kamachali, Ingo Stainbach, and Fathollah Varnik
16:15 |
MM 14.3 |
Grain boundary diffusion of ions and electrons through a film or scale — •Markus Tautschnig, Nicholas Harrison, and Michael Finnis
16:30 |
MM 14.4 |
Oxygen adsorption on strained transition metal surfaces: An ab initio study of mechano-chemical coupling — •Gregor Feldbauer, Anja Michl, and Stefan Müller
16:45 |
MM 14.5 |
Electrical modulation of the Poisson’s ratio of nanoporous metals — •Lukas Lührs, Birthe Müller, and Jörg Weissmüller
17:00 |
MM 14.6 |
Size effects on hydrogen electrosorption in nanoporous Pd-Cu alloys — •Shan Shi, Jürgen Markmann, and Jörg Weissmüller