Dresden 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MM 18: Topical session: Interface-Controlled Microstructures: Mechanical Properties and Mechano-Chemical Coupling - Experimental Characterization
Montag, 20. März 2017, 17:30–18:45, BAR 205
17:30 |
MM 18.1 |
Topical Talk:
Experimental investigations on the relationship between crystallographic character of grain boundaries and their functional and mechanical properties in various engineering materials. — •Stefan Zaefferer, Dayong An, Zhangqi Wang, Fady Archie, and Guillaume Stechmann
18:00 |
MM 18.2 |
Mechanical Testing of Copper Alloy Micropillars Containing a Twin Boundary — •Sebastian Krauß, Jan Philipp Liebig, Mathias Göken, and Benoit Merle
18:15 |
MM 18.3 |
Interface Nanolayer Analysis in Al-Cu FSW Lap Joints — •Roland Marstatt, Markus Krutzlinger, Johannes Luderschmid, Ferdinand Haider und Michael F. Zaeh
18:30 |
MM 18.4 |
Experimental determination of interface strength and toughness in multi-layered thin films — Ruth Konetschnik, Darjan Kozic, Ronald Schöngrundner, Hans-Peter Gänser, Roland Brunner, and •Daniel Kiener