Dresden 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MM 20: Computational Materials Modelling - Defect structure and formation
Montag, 20. März 2017, 17:00–18:15, IFW B
17:00 |
MM 20.1 |
Prediction of Morphologies at Inorganic/Organic Interfaces with Machine Learning on the Example of TCNE/Cu(111) — •Michael Scherbela, Lukas Hörmann, Veronika Obersteiner, and Oliver T. Hofmann
17:15 |
MM 20.2 |
Ab-initio study of the interplay of hydrogen and microstructure in Ni-based superalloys — •Poulumi Dey, Zahra Tarzimoghadam, Dirk Ponge, Eunan McEniry, Tilmann Hickel, Dierk Raabe, and Jörg Neugebauer
17:30 |
MM 20.3 |
Embedded-atom study of low-energy equilibrium triple junction structures and energies — •Sebastian Eich and Guido Schmitz
17:45 |
MM 20.4 |
Heterogeneous nucleation at prestructured seeds in Ni — •Grisell Diaz Leines, Ralf Drautz, and Jutta Rogal
18:00 |
MM 20.5 |
Electrons and phonons on equal footing: Band renormalization in Diamondoids — •Pablo Risueno, Peng Han, and Gabriel Bester