Dresden 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MM 21: Functional Materials II
Montag, 20. März 2017, 17:15–18:45, IFW D
17:15 |
MM 21.1 |
Hydrogen induced defects in the palladium/rutile titanium dioxide model system — •Marian David Bongers, Mohsen Sotoudeh, Vladimir Roddatis, Jakub Čížek, Carsten Nowak, Martin Wenderoth, Peter Blöchl, and Astrid Pundt
17:30 |
MM 21.2 |
Magnetocaloric properties of melt-spun NiCoMnAl Heusler ribbons — •Bruno Weise, Niclas Teichert, Andreas Becker, Lars Helmich, Maria Krautz, Andreas Hütten, and Anja Waske
17:45 |
MM 21.3 |
In-situ dehydrogention and positron annihilation spectroscopy of Mg2Fe thin films — •Thu Trang Trinh, Marciej Oskar Liedke, Andreas Wagner, Rene Heller, Herman Schreuders, Bernard Dam, Kohta Asano, and Kay Potzger
18:00 |
MM 21.4 |
Compliant on-skin compass for artificial magnetoception — •Gilbert Santiago Cañon Bermúdez, Jürgen Fassbender, and Denys Makarov
18:15 |
MM 21.5 |
The contribution has been moved to TT 49.10.
18:30 |
MM 21.6 |
The contribution has been moved to TT 39.10.