Dresden 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MM 28: Transport I - atomic transport
Dienstag, 21. März 2017, 10:15–11:45, IFW D
10:15 |
MM 28.1 |
Volume diffusion in high-entropy AlxCoCrFeNi alloys — •Josua Kottke, Simon Trubel, Matthias Wegner, Louis J. Santodonato, Sergiy V. Divinski, and Gerhard Wilde
10:30 |
MM 28.2 |
Novel method to predict effects of structural changes on energy barriers in NASICON materials — •Kaustubh Bhat, Stefan Blügel, and Hans Lustfeld
10:45 |
MM 28.3 |
Chemical and tracer diffusion in the Fe-Ga binary couple — •Bengü Tas-Kavakbasi, Aloke Paul, Igor Stanislavovich Golovin, Gerhard Wilde, and Sergiy V. Divinski
11:00 |
MM 28.4 |
Diffusion and ionic conductivity from ab initio non-equilibrium molecular dynamics — •Sergei Simak
11:15 |
MM 28.5 |
Grain boundary diffusion and segregation of 57Co in high-purity copper: Radiotracer measurements in B- and C-type diffusion regimes — •Daniel Gaertner, Gerhard Wilde, and Sergiy Divinski
11:30 |
MM 28.6 |
Modeling hydrogen diffusion in amorphous and polycrystalline thin films of tungsten trioxide — •Simon Burkhardt, Matthias Thomas Elm, and Peter Jens Klar