18:30 |
MM 34.1 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
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MM 34.2 |
Synthesis and analysis of electrodeposited Ni-P nanoglass — Farnaz Abdollahzadeh Davani, Stefan Ostendorp, •Martin Peterlechner, Daniel Gaertner, Sergiy Divinskiy, and Gerhard Wilde
18:30 |
MM 34.3 |
Nucleation Kinetics of deeply undercooled Germanium melts — •Manoel da Silva Pinto, Christian Simon, and Gerhard Wilde
18:30 |
MM 34.4 |
Friction under active control — •Victor Pfahl, Walter Arnold, and Konrad Samwer
18:30 |
MM 34.5 |
Finite size corrections for periodic coupled cluster theory — Ke Liao and •Andreas Grüneis
18:30 |
MM 34.6 |
The Mg(111)/H2O interface studied by empirical potentials and density functional theory using automated tools — •Sudarsan Surendralal, Mira Todorova, and Jörg Neugebauer
18:30 |
MM 34.7 |
Spatially resolved in-situ defect spectroscopy with a positron beam during tensile tests — •Matthias Thalmayr, Thomas Gigl, Marcel Dickmann, Benjamin Rienäcker, and Christoph Hugenschmidt
18:30 |
MM 34.8 |
Comparing interatomic potentials for Si and Mo — •Yury Lysogorskiy, Thomas Hammerschmidt, and Ralf Drautz
18:30 |
MM 34.9 |
Ab initio study of planar defects in Ni and Co based superalloys — •Aparna P. A. Subramanyam, Thomas Hammerschmidt, and Ralf Drautz
18:30 |
MM 34.10 |
Effect of Al alloying on the martensitic temperature in Ti-Ta shape memory alloys — •Alberto Ferrari, Jutta Rogal, and Ralf Drautz
18:30 |
MM 34.11 |
Deformation Mechanisms in Magnetron Sputtered Thin Film Metallic Glasses — •Marlene Mühlbacher, Christoph Gammer, Ruth Konetschnik, Thomas Schöberl, Christian Mitterer, and Jürgen Eckert
18:30 |
MM 34.12 |
Ab initio investigation of Re-Re interactions in Ni-base superalloys — •Maximilian Grabowski, Jutta Rogal, and Ralf Drautz
18:30 |
MM 34.13 |
Implementation of nonlocal van der Waals functionals into the LAPW method — •Fabien Tran, Julia Stelzl, and Peter Blaha
18:30 |
MM 34.14 |
Impact of magnetism on the stability of Laves phases in Fe-Nb alloys — •Ali Zendegani, Alvin N. Ladines, Thomas Hammerschmidt, Ralf Drautz, Fritz Körmann, Tilmann Hickel, and Jörg Neugebauer
18:30 |
MM 34.15 |
Properties of mechanically intermixed Cu-Ta alloys — •Regina Post, Nazar Ibrahim, Sergiy Divinski, and Gerhard Wilde
18:30 |
MM 34.16 |
Quantitative High-resolution TEM Imaging of Perovskite Interfaces — •Tobias Meyer, Patrick Peretzki, Benedikt Ifland, Birte Kressdorf, Christian Jooß, and Michael Seibt
18:30 |
MM 34.17 |
In-situ Electron Microscopy Studies of Electric Field Assisted Sintering of Oxide Ceramics — •Danny Schwarzbach, Max Steinbrück, and Cynthia A. Volkert
18:30 |
MM 34.18 |
Mechanical Analysis of Metallic Glasses in the Non-Linear Regime — •Clemens Garve, Birte Riechers, and Konrad Samwer
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MM 34.19 |
system identification for nanodevices based on anodic alumina oxide (AAO) templates — •Jesus Alan Calderon Chavarri, Min Zhou, and Yong Lei
18:30 |
MM 34.20 |
Mechanically tuned stress state of palladium thin films on rutile titanium dioxide — •Maximilian Litschauer, Marian David Bongers, Daniel Harding, Alec Wodtke, and Astrid Pundt
18:30 |
MM 34.21 |
AiiDA Workflows with FLEUR for X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy — •Jens Bröder, Gregor Michalicek, Daniel Wortmann, Rudi Koslowski, Christian Linsmeier, and Stefan Blügel
18:30 |
MM 34.22 |
Lateral H-Diffusion in Mg thin films — •Niklas Teichmann, Magnus Hamm, and Astrid Pundt
18:30 |
MM 34.23 |
Computional study of Y NMR shielding in intermetallic yttrium compounds — •Leila Kalantari and Peter Blaha
18:30 |
MM 34.24 |
AUXILIARY-MODE APPROACH TO TIME-DEPENDENT PHONON TRANSPORT — •Leonardo Medrano Sandonas, Alexander Croy, Rafael Gutierrez, and Gianaurelio Cuniberti
18:30 |
MM 34.25 |
Effects of surface diffusion and surface roughness on plastic behavior of nanoporous gold — •Jie Li, Nadiia Mameka, and Jörg Weissmüller
18:30 |
MM 34.26 |
Grain refinement in ball-milled nanocrystalline iron-boron — •Max Steinbrück
18:30 |
MM 34.27 |
Mechanical stress upon hydrogen absorption in Nb-Fe Films — •Philipp Klose, Magnus Hamm, and Astrid Pundt
18:30 |
MM 34.28 |
Tuning the amorphous phase of the Phase change materials GeSbTe225 and Sb2Te by altering the quenching-rate from the liquid phase — •Christoph Persch, Thorben Frahm, and Matthias Wuttig
18:30 |
MM 34.29 |
Computational thermodynamics applied to battery materials — •Sebastian Schwalbe, Kai Trepte, and Jens Kortus
18:30 |
MM 34.30 |
Hydrogen Diffusion in Magnesium: Influence of Grain Boundaries — •Felix Jung, Magnus Hamm, Jakub Cižek, and Astrid Pundt
18:30 |
MM 34.31 |
Polypyrrole confined in porous silicon: From fundamentals to applications — •Manuel Brinker, Guido Dittrich, Philipp Timm, Thomas Keller, Pirmin Lakner, and Patrick Huber
18:30 |
MM 34.32 |
Potential-strain coupling on electrocatalysis of nanoporous platinum — •Xinyan Wu, Shan Shi, Anastasia Straßer, Matthias Graf, and Jörg Weissmüller
18:30 |
MM 34.33 |
in-situ TEM observations of motions of nanostructures entrapped in carbon nanotube — kecheng cao, johannes biskupek, thilo zoberbier, thomas w. chamberlain, andrei n. khlobystov, and •ute kaiser
18:30 |
MM 34.34 |
Imaging and kinetics of MgH2 and TiH2 formation — •Efi Hadjixenophontos, Lukas Michalek, Manuel Roussel, Andreas Weigel, Toyoto Sato, Shin-ichi Orimo, and Guido Schmitz
18:30 |
MM 34.35 |
Single-spin hybridization expansion continuous-time Monte Carlo for time-dependent Anderson impurity model — •Patryk Kubiczek, Alexey Rubtsov, and Alexander Lichtenstein
18:30 |
MM 34.36 |
Diffusion in intermetallic AlAu4: MD study down to temperatures relevant to wire bonding — •Mohammed Guerdane
18:30 |
MM 34.37 |
Thermal Diffusivity Measurements with Single Particle Photothermal Microscopy — •André Heber and Frank Cichos
18:30 |
MM 34.38 |
Electron transport in nanoparticle networks — •Michael Deffner, Florian Schulz, Carmen Herrmann, and Holger Lange
18:30 |
MM 34.39 |
Effect of surface reconstruction on the exchange interactions in CaMnO3 — •Samara Keshavarz
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MM 34.40 |
Microstructure and Mechanical behavior of Copper-Iron Multilayers produced by Accumulative Roll Bonding — •Maher Ghanem, Benoit Merle, Heinz Werner Höppel, and Mathias Göken
18:30 |
MM 34.41 |
Current status and future prospectives of the multi-purpose x-ray scattering beamline BL9 of DELTA — •Florian Otte, Jennifer Bolle, Michael Paulus, Christian Sternemann, and Metin Tolan
18:30 |
MM 34.42 |
Observation of the influence of hydrogen on the phase transformation and fracturing behaviour of steel samples during tensile tests using synchrotron radiation — •Beate Pfretzschner, Axel Griesche, and Thomas Schaupp