Dresden 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MM 39: Topical session: Interface-Controlled Microstructures: Mechanical Properties and Mechano-Chemical Coupling - Structure and deformation III
Mittwoch, 22. März 2017, 10:15–11:15, IFW B
10:15 |
MM 39.1 |
Glass formation by severe plastic deformation of crystalline Cu/Zr nano-layers — •Suzhi Li, Lars Pastewka, and Peter Gumbsch
10:30 |
MM 39.2 |
Micro-mechanics of amorphous metal/polymer hybrid structures with 3D cellular architectures: size effects, buckling behavior and energy absorption capability — •Maxime Mieszala, Laszlo Petho, Johann Michler, Madoka Hasegawa, Jens Bauer, Oliver Kraft, and Laetitia Philippe
10:45 |
MM 39.3 |
Impact of the composition of Au-Ag alloys on the mechanical properties of dealloyed nanoporous gold — •Birthe Müller, Lukas Lührs, and Jörg Weissmüller
11:00 |
MM 39.4 |
Interfaces and Vortices under High Pressure Torsion — •Roman Kulagin, Yulia Ivanisenko, Yan Beygelzimer, Andrey Mazilkin, Boris Straumal, and Horst Hahn