Dresden 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MM 42: Topical session: Data driven materials design - high throughput
Mittwoch, 22. März 2017, 12:00–13:15, BAR 205
12:00 |
MM 42.1 |
Topical Talk:
Generating and assessing data from combinatorial and high-throughput experiments for the design of new materials — •Alfred Ludwig
12:30 |
MM 42.2 |
Towards multi-scale high-throughput calculations of thermal and mechanical properties in transition-metal alloys — •Alessandro Lunghi, Stefano Sanvito, and David D. O’Regan
12:45 |
MM 42.3 |
High throughput modelling of novel borides — •David Holec, Vincent Moraes, Mirjam Arndt, Peter Polcik, and Paul Mayrhofer
13:00 |
MM 42.4 |
Atom-mining: Improving the spatial resolution of Field Ion Microscopy using atomistic simulations and data mining — •Gh Ali Nematollahi, Shyam S. Katnagallu, Michal Dagan, Baptiste Gault, Blazej Grabowski, Paul Bagot, Michael Moody, Dierk Raabe, and Jörg Neugebauer