Dresden 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MM 52: Microstructure and Phase Transformations - phase stability
Mittwoch, 22. März 2017, 17:00–18:00, IFW B
17:00 |
MM 52.1 |
Microstructure-engineering of near-α titanium alloys — •Stefanie Sandlöbes, Zahra Tarzimoghadam, Sandra Korte-Kerzel, and Dierk Raabe
17:15 |
MM 52.2 |
The applicability of grain boundary engineering on ultrafine grained Cu-Ni alloys — •Friederike Emeis, Martin Peterlechner, Harald Rösner, Sergiy V. Divinski, and Gerhard Wilde
17:30 |
MM 52.3 |
Linear complexions - local phase transformation of dislocations — Alisson Kwiatkowski da Silva, Margarita Kuzmina, Dirk Ponge, Michael Herbig, •Stefanie Sandlöbes, Baptiste Gault, Sandra Korte-Kerzel, and Dierk Raabe
17:45 |
MM 52.4 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.