Dresden 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MM 56: Topical session: Dynamics, relaxation and deformation in deeply supercooled metallic liquids and glasses - kinetic transitions
Donnerstag, 23. März 2017, 10:15–11:30, IFW A
10:15 |
MM 56.1 |
Topical Talk:
Anomalous atomic motion in metallic glasses revealed by coherent X-rays — •Beatrice Ruta
10:45 |
MM 56.2 |
Structural origins of the boson peak in metals: From high-entropy alloys to metallic glasses — •Karsten Albe, Tobias Brink, and Leonie Koch
11:00 |
MM 56.3 |
Fragile-strong liquid transitions and the underlying structural transitions in chalcogenide glassformer Ge15Te85 and bulk metallic glass-forming liquids — •Shuai Wei, Moritz Stolpe, Oliver Gross, William Hembree, Simon Hechler, Jozef Bednarcik, Ralf Busch, Pierre Lucas, and C.Austen Angell
11:15 |
MM 56.4 |
Indications for a kinetic crossover in bulk metallic glasses — •Stefan Küchemann, Robert Maass, and Konrad Samwer