Dresden 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MM 62: Microstructure and Phase Transformations - nucleation kinetics and pressure effects
Donnerstag, 23. März 2017, 11:45–13:00, IFW B
11:45 |
MM 62.1 |
Crystallization behavior of the Al86Ni8Y6 metallic glass forming alloy upon rapid cooling — •Alexander Kuball, Moritz Stolpe, and Ralf Busch
12:00 |
MM 62.2 |
Can homogenous nucleation be controlled in a metallic glass? — •Bin Yang, Yulai Gao, and Christoph Schick
12:15 |
MM 62.3 |
Thin interface asymptotics in the presence of convection for diffuse interface models of solidification — •Amol Subhedar, Fathollah Varnik, and Ingo Steinbach
12:30 |
MM 62.4 |
High Pressure Structural Phase Transition in NdX (X=P, As, Sb): A Density Functional Theory Study — •sanjay kumar singh, rishi singh, and ajay mittal
12:45 |
MM 62.5 |
Pressure-induced ferroelastic phase transition in SnO2 from density functional theory — •Lei Yang, Weiliu Fan, Yanlu Li, Lei Wei, and Xian Zhao