Dresden 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MM 67: Mechanical Properties I
Donnerstag, 23. März 2017, 15:45–16:45, IFW D
15:45 |
MM 67.1 |
On the effects of precipitates during cyclic deformation of AA6016 alloy — •Haichun Jiang, Stefanie Sandlöbes, and Sandra Korte-Kerzel
16:00 |
MM 67.2 |
Surface Roughness and Deformation Avalanches — •Adam Hinkle and Lars Pastewka
16:15 |
MM 67.3 |
Development and characterization of tungsten multi-fiber reinforced tungsten composites produced by field assisted sintering technology — •Yiran Mao, Jan Coenen, Johann Riesch, Sree Sistla, Bruno Jasper, Alexis Terra, Christian Linsmeier, and Christoph Broeckmann
16:30 |
MM 67.4 |
Nanotribology and deformation behavior of gradually crystallized Fe-based metallic glasses — •Jazmin Duarte Correa, Steffen Brinckmann, and Gerhard Dehm