Dresden 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MM 8: Topical session: Interface-Controlled Microstructures: Mechanical Properties and Mechano-Chemical Coupling - Segregation and Embrittlement II
Montag, 20. März 2017, 11:45–13:15, BAR 205
11:45 |
MM 8.1 |
Atomistic study of Hydrogen embrittlement of grain boundaries in Nickel — •Ali Tehranchi and William A. Curtin
12:00 |
MM 8.2 |
Defect generation in Palladium by Hydrogen loaded Niobium layers — •Vladimir Burlaka, Vladimir Roddatis, Marian Bongers, and Astrid Pundt
12:15 |
MM 8.3 |
Confined topological impurity segregation at faceted Si grain boundaries — •Christian Liebscher, Andreas Stoffers, Oana Cojocaru-Mirédin, Baptiste Gault, Christina Scheu, Gerhard Dehm, and Dierk Raabe
12:30 |
MM 8.4 |
Investigations on Grain Boundary Segregation in Nanocryalline Materials with Atom Probe Tomography — •Rüya Duran and Guido Schmitz
12:45 |
MM 8.5 |
Macroscopic and microscopic investigation of Sulphur - induced embrittlement in Copper — •Thorsten Meiners, Zirong Peng, Christian H. Liebscher, and Gerhard Dehm
13:00 |
MM 8.6 |
Silver segregation induced nanofaceting of an asymmetric tilt grain boundary in copper — •Nicolas J. Peter, Christian H. Liebscher, Raheleh Hadian, Blazej Grabowski, Christoph Kirchlechner, and Gerhard Dehm