10:30 |
O 111.1 |
Resolving molecular products of astro-photochemistry: light-induced hydrogenation of 1,2-bis(2-phenylethynyl)benzene — •Martin Svec, Jack Hellerstedt, Ales Cahlik, Oleksandr Stetsovych, Maria Moro Lagares, Irena Stara, Ivo Stary, and Pavel Jelinek
10:45 |
O 111.2 |
Pyridyl-functionalized triarylamines self-assembled on Au(111) — •Leonid Solianyk, Juan Carlos Moreno-López, Jun Li, Stefano Gottardi, Mihaela Enache, Ute Meinhardt, Milan Kivala, and Meike Stöhr
11:00 |
O 111.3 |
Controlled On-Surface Synthesis of Organic and Organometallic Macrocycles — •Qitang Fan, Tao Wang, Cici Wang, Junfa Zhu, Min Chen, Malte Zugermeier, Claudio K. Krug, Julian Kuttner, Gerhard Hilt, and J. Michael Gottfried
11:15 |
O 111.4 |
On-surface synthesis and characterization of nonsymmetrical single-molecule nodes — •Christophe Nacci, Andreas Viertel, Stefan Hecht, and Leonhard Grill
11:30 |
O 111.5 |
Structural analysis of small carbon cage molecules with low temperature scanning probe microscopy — •Jalmar Tschakert, Daniel Ebeling, Marvin Stiefermann, Marina Sekutor, Peter Schreiner, and André Schirmeisen
11:45 |
O 111.6 |
Photophysical properties of semiconducting armchair-edge graphene nanoribbons — •Seyed Khalil Alavi, Markus Pfeiffer, Boris Senkovskiy, Andrea Bliesener, Jingyi Zhu, Samuel Michel, Alexei V. Fedorov, Raphael German, Dirk Hertel, Danny Haberer, Luca Petaccia, Felix R. Fischer, Klaus Meerholz, Paul van Loosdrecht, Alexander Grüneis, and Klas Lindfors
12:00 |
O 111.7 |
Substrate mediated electronic interactions of organic charge-transfer complexes on Ag(111) — •Kathrin Müller, Nico Schmidt, Stefan Link, Michael Grunst, Rene Riedel, Walter Malone, Abdelkader Kara, Ulrich Starke, Milan Kivala, and Meike Stöhr
12:15 |
O 111.8 |
Imaging on-surface hierarchical assembly of chiral organometallic polymers — •Laerte L. Patera, Zhiyu Zou, Carlo Dri, Cristina Africh, Jascha Repp, and Giovanni Comelli
12:30 |
O 111.9 |
Imaging the electronic structure of on-surface generated acenes — •Justus Krüger, Frank Eisenhut, Thomas Lehmann, José M. Alonso, Dmitry Skidin, Dolores Pérez, Enrique Guitián, Dmitry A. Ryndyk, Christian Joachim, Diego Peña, Francesca Moresco, and Gianaurelio Cuniberti
12:45 |
O 111.10 |
Thermal Fluctuations of Structured Adhered Bio-Membranes Probed with Nanometer/Microsecond Resolution — •Cornelia Monzel, Daniel Schmidt, Ana-Suncana Smith, Udo Seifert, Kheya Sengupta, and Rudolf Merkel