Dresden 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
SOE 15: Focus Session: Cities as complex systems
Mittwoch, 22. März 2017, 15:00–18:15, GÖR 226
15:00 |
SOE 15.1 |
Urban Economic Development: Agriculture, Industry, and Services — •Diego Rybski, Prajal Pradhan, and Jürgen P. Kropp
15:15 |
SOE 15.2 |
The city in 2 and 3 dimensions: monocentric analysis and scaling of land use and population density — •Rémi Lemoy and Geoffrey Caruso
15:30 |
SOE 15.3 |
Zipf's Law for Australia: An outlier? — Somwrita Sarkar and •Peter Alexander Robinson
15:45 |
SOE 15.4 |
Discovering the laws of urbanisation — •Filippo Simini and Charlotte James
16:00 |
SOE 15.5 |
Urban systems rank diversity — •Roberto Murcio, Clementine Cottineau, Michael Batty, Elsa Arcaute, and Robin Morphet
16:15 |
SOE 15.6 |
Statistical issues in scaling laws’ estimation — •Jose M. Miotto, Jorge C. Leitão, Martin Gerlach, and Eduardo G. Altmann
16:30 |
15 min. break
16:45 |
SOE 15.7 |
Formulae of urban attractiveness — •Stanislav Sobolevsky, Iva Bojic, Alexander Belyi, and Carlo Ratti
17:00 |
SOE 15.8 |
Scaling of professional connections and urban performance — •Stanislav Sobolevsky, Iva Bojic, Lyndsey Rolheiser, Anthony Vanky, Homgmou Zhang, and Vijayragunath Aruswamy
17:15 |
SOE 15.9 |
Predicting the response of urban real estate markets to socio-spatial dynamics — •Aike Alexander Steentoft and Markus Schläpfer
17:30 |
SOE 15.10 |
Spatial scaling behaviour of an optimized highly renewable European electricity system — •Jonas Hörsch, Tom Brown, and Stefan Schramm
17:45 |
SOE 15.11 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
18:00 |
SOE 15.12 |
Tracking urban evolution - a way to investigate allometric scaling over time? — Hendrik Herold, •Robert Hecht, and Martin Behnisch