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SOE 6.1 |
Where Has All the Surplus Gone? — •Stephen I. Ternyik and Stephen I. Ternyik
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SOE 6.2 |
Phase Transitions in Autonomous Intersection Traffic? — •Dimitra Maoutsa, Debsankha Manik, Malte Schröder, and Marc Timme
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SOE 6.3 |
How long does it take to board an airplane? — •Reinhard Mahnke, Jevgenijs Kaupuzs, Eitan Bachmat, and Vidar Frette
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SOE 6.4 |
Emergent features of triadic relations in political networks — •Andres M. Belaza, Kevin Hoefman, Jan Ryckebusch, and Koen Schoors
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SOE 6.5 |
Centrality Measures on a Temporal Fashion Network — •Jonas Braun, Frederik Wolf, Philipp Gert Josef Lorenz, Philipp Hövel, Colin Bauer, Julien Siebert, and Vitaly Belik
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SOE 6.6 |
Large deviation properties of the Nagel-Schreckenberg model — •Wiebke Staffeldt and Alexander K. Hartmann
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SOE 6.7 |
Multiple games in the multiverse — •Vandana Revathi Venkateswaran and Chaitanya S. Gokhale
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SOE 6.8 |
Lane Change Prediction in an Urban Area — •Karoline Griesbach and Karl Heinz Hoffmann
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SOE 6.9 |
Emergence of Social Badges — •Gorm Gruner Jensen and Stefan Bornholdt
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SOE 6.10 |
Motif formation in the Japanese Business Firm Network — •Julian Maluck, Reik V. Donner, Hideki Takayasu, and Misako Takayasu
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SOE 6.11 |
Impacts of Regional Trade Agreements on the flow of goods and money in the world economy — Julian Maluck and •Reik V. Donner
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SOE 6.12 |
Opinion formation on networks: the topology may predict more than we think. — •Michael Schnabel and Daniel Diermeier
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SOE 6.13 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
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SOE 6.14 |
A behavioral spruce budworm predation model — Bhagyashree Hote, Manas Joshi, Reeve Ahmed, Maleeha Aziz, and •Jens Christian Claussen
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SOE 6.15 |
Size distribution of scientific paradigms in the Bornholdt-Jensen-Sneppen model on complex networks — Kim Philipp Jablonski and •Jens Christian Claussen
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SOE 6.16 |
Global Urban Energy Efficiency: Insights from scaling laws — •Ramana Gudipudi, Mathias K. B. Lüdeke, and Jürgen P. Kropp
17:00 |
SOE 6.17 |
Local or global, the request for a sustainable urban food system — •Steffen Kriewald, Prajal Pradhan, and Jürgen P. Kropp
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SOE 6.18 |
Optimization of urban food networks and its climate benefits — •Prajal Pradhan, Steffen Kriewald, Luis Costa, and Jürgen Kropp
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SOE 6.19 |
Towards an integrated model for stochastic effects in power system dynamics and control — •Philipp C. Böttcher, David Kleinhans, and Wided Medjroubi