Dresden 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
TT 11: SYCE: Novel Functionality and Topology-Driven Phenomena in Ferroics and Correlated Electron Systems (joint symposium DF, DS, KR, MA, MI, TT, organized by DS)
Montag, 20. März 2017, 15:00–18:00, HSZ 02
15:00 |
TT 11.1 |
Ferroelectric domain walls: from conductors to insulators and back again — •Petro Maksymovych
15:30 |
TT 11.2 |
Zoology of skyrmions and the role of magnetic anisotropy in the stability of skyrmions — •Istvan Kezsmarki, Sandor Bordacs, Jonathan White, Vladimir Tsurkan, Alois Loidl, Peter Milde, Hiroyuki Nakamura, and Andrey Leonov
16:00 |
TT 11.3 |
Magnetic imaging of topological phenomena in ferroic materials — •Weida Wu
16:30 |
30 min. break
17:00 |
TT 11.4 |
Topological skyrmion textures in chiral magnets — •Markus Garst
17:30 |
TT 11.5 |
Learning through ferroelectric domain dynamics in solidstate synapses — Sören Boyn, Gwendal Lecerf, Stéphane Fusil, Sylvain Saïghi, Agnès Barthélémy, Julie Grollier, Vincent Garcia, and •Manuel Bibes