09:30 |
TT 25.1 |
Quantum spin liquid ground state in Ba3InIr2O9: A combined NMR and µSR study — •Mayukh Majumder, Tusharkanti Dey, Jean-Christophe Orain, Norbert Buettgen, Alexander Tsirlin, and Philipp Gegenwart
09:45 |
TT 25.2 |
Spin liquid behavior in the triangular lattice iridate Ba3InIr2O9 — •Tusharkanti Dey, Mayukh Majumder, Anatoliy Senyshyn, Panchanan Khuntia, Alexander Tsirlin, and Philipp Gegenwart
10:00 |
TT 25.3 |
Magnetism of honeycomb ruthenate Ag3LiRu2O6 without singlet dimers — •Tomohiro Takayama and Hidenori Takagi
10:15 |
TT 25.4 |
Long-range interactions in the effective low energy Hamiltonian of Sr2IrO4: a core level resonant inelastic x-ray scattering — •Stefano Agrestini, Chang-Yang Kuo, Marco Moretti Sala, Zhiwei Hu, Deepa Kasinathan, Pieter Glatzel, Tomohiro Takayama, Hidenori Takagi, Liu Hao Tjeng, and Maurits W. Haverkort
10:30 |
TT 25.5 |
Differences in motion of a single hole and a single electron in the quasi-2D iridates — •Ekaterina Paerschke, Krzysztof Wohlfeld, Kateryna Foyevtsova, and Jeroen van den Brink
10:45 |
TT 25.6 |
Electronic structure of Sr2IrO4 probed with low temperature scanning tunneling microscopy — Zhixiang Sun, •Jose M. Guevara, Danny Baumann, Kaustuv Manna, Sabine Wurmehl, Bernd Büchner, and Christian Hess
11:00 |
TT 25.7 |
New pyrochlore iridate In2Ir2O7 stabilised by high pressure — •Aleksandra Krajewska, Tomohiro Takayama, Robert Dinnebier, Alexander Yaresko, Kenji Ishii, and Hidenori Takagi
11:15 |
15 min. break.
11:30 |
TT 25.8 |
Magnetic ground state of the pyrochlore iridate Nd2Ir2O7 — •Hanjie Guo, Clemens Ritter, Kazuyuki Matsuhira, Isao Watanabe, Liu Hao Tjeng, and Alexander Komarek
11:45 |
TT 25.9 |
Synthesis and magnetic properties of double perovskites with Ir(IV)-states — •Michael Vogl, Tusharkanti Dey, Laura Teresa Corredor Bohorquez, Saicharan Aswartham, Anja Wolter-Giraud, Sabine Wurmehl, and Bernd Büchner
12:00 |
TT 25.10 |
Correlating paramagnetic spin centers in the ’nonmagnetic’ 5d4 compound Ba2YIrO6 — •Stephan Fuchs, Vladislav Kataev, Franziska Hammerath, Gizem Aslan Cansever, Tushar Dey, and Bernd Büchner
12:15 |
TT 25.11 |
The iridium double perovskites with Ir5+ revised: a combined structural and specific heat study — •Mihai I. Sturza, Laura T. Corredor, Gizem Aslan Cansever, Kaustuv Manna, Sebastian Gass, Tushar Dey, Christian Blum, Andrey Maljuk, Olga Kataeva, Sabine Wurmehl, Anja Wolter, and Bernd Büchner
12:30 |
TT 25.12 |
Strain induced changes of electronic properties of B–site ordered Sr2CoIrO6 thin films — •Sebastian Esser, Chun-Fu Chang, Vladimir Roddatis, Vasily Moshnyaga, Liu Hao Tjeng, and Philipp Gegenwart
12:45 |
TT 25.13 |
Frustrated magnetism and Kitaev exchange on the fcc lattice of K2IrCl6 — •Nazir Khan and Alexander A. Tsirlin