Dresden 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
TT 31: Correlated Electrons: Other Materials
Dienstag, 21. März 2017, 14:00–16:00, HSZ 103
14:00 |
TT 31.1 |
Dipolar effects on the critical fluctuations in Fe: Investigation by MIEZE — •Steffen Säubert, Jonas Kindervater, and Peter Böni
14:15 |
TT 31.2 |
Electronic Structure of Palladium Determined by Compton Scattering and Electron-Positron Annihilation — •Josef Helmut Schmidbauer, Josef Andreas Weber, Michael Leitner, and Christoph Hugenschmidt
14:30 |
TT 31.3 |
Importance of Mott physics in manganese pnictides — •Manuel Zingl, Elias Assmann, and Markus Aichhorn
14:45 |
TT 31.4 |
Quantum Oscillations in CoSb3 — •Marcel Naumann, Frank Arnold, Flipo Sever, Mirtha Pillaca Quispe, Dan Sun, Michael Baenitz, Andreas Leithe-Jasper, Helge Rosner, Peter Gille, and Elena Hassinger
15:00 |
TT 31.5 |
Unconventional superconductivity in unconventional correlated materials? — •Xiaodong Cao, Jean Chen, Zhicheng Zhong, Dirk Manske, Thomas Ayral, Olivier Parcollet, and Philipp Hansmann
15:15 |
TT 31.6 |
Electron spin resonance of the spin chain compound Cu(py)2Br2: An experimental and theoretical study — Julian Zeisner, Stephan Zimmermann, Vladislav Kataev, •Michael Brockmann, Frank Göhmann, Andreas Klümper, and Alexander Weiße
15:30 |
TT 31.7 |
Hydrodynamic transport in Anisotropic-Dirac Systems — •Julia Link, Boris Narozhny, and Jörg Schmalian
15:45 |
TT 31.8 |
Casimir forces between two impurities in a lattice — •Andrei Pavlov, Dmitri Efremov, and Jeroen van den Brink