09:30 |
TT 39.1 |
Induced Superconductivity in the Hubbard model — •Nikolaj Bittner, Takami Tohyama, and Dirk Manske
09:45 |
TT 39.2 |
Plaquette valence bond theory of high-temperature superconductivity — •Malte Harland, Mikhail I. Katsnelson, and Alexander I. Lichtenstein
10:00 |
TT 39.3 |
The T-dependence of the scattering rate in cuprates: Insights from diagrammatic extensions of DMFT — •Marie-Therese Philipp, Georg Rohringer, Clemens Watzenböck, Thomas Schäfer, Hartmut Hafermann, Jan M. Tomczak, Karsten Held, Alexey Rubtsov, and Alessandro Toschi
10:15 |
TT 39.4 |
Charge and current orders in the cuprates: implications from spin-fermion model with overlapping hot spots. — •Pavel A. Volkov and Konstantin B. Efetov
10:30 |
TT 39.5 |
Three-band superconductors with broken time reversal symmetry ground states — •Yuriy Yerin, Alexander Omelyanchouk, Stefan-Ludwig Drechsler, Jeroen van den Brink, and Dmitri Efremov
10:45 |
TT 39.6 |
f-wave triplet superconductivity in a twisted triangular Hubbard tube as a model of A2Cr3As3 — Sahinur Reja and •Satoshi Nishimoto
11:00 |
TT 39.7 |
Inflated nodes in multiband superconductors with broken time-reversal symmetry — •Carsten Timm, Daniel F. Agterberg, and Philip M. R. Brydon
11:15 |
15 min. break.
11:30 |
TT 39.8 |
Mutually attracting spin waves in the square-lattice quantum antiferromagnet — •Kai Phillip Schmidt, Michael Powalski, and Götz S. Uhrig
11:45 |
TT 39.9 |
Ab-initio characterization of superconductivity in the elemental phases of phosphorus: from black-P up to 350 GPa — •Antonio Sanna, Jose Flores-Livas, Gianni Profeta, and Lilia Boeri
12:00 |
TT 39.10 |
Identifying detrimental effects for multi-band superconductivity - Application to Sr2RuO4 — •Aline Ramires and Manfred Sigrist
12:15 |
TT 39.11 |
Friedel-oscillations in inhomogeneous topological superconductors — •Lars Lauke, Mathias Scheurer, Andreas Poenicke, and Jörg Schmalian
12:30 |
TT 39.12 |
Exotic vortex configurations and superconductors with shallow bands — •Sebastian Wolf, Alexei Vagov, Arkady Shanenko, José Albino Aguiar, and Vollrath Martin Axt
12:45 |
TT 39.13 |
Exploring the Efimov effect in conventional superconductors — •Ali Sanayei, Pascal Naidon, and Ludwig Mathey
13:00 |
TT 39.14 |
Multi-particle instability in an imbalanced electron gas — •Gareth Conduit and Thomas Whitehead