09:30 |
TT 63.1 |
Tunnel magneto-Seebeck effect in MgAl2O4 based magnetic tunnel junctions — •Torsten Huebner, Alexander Boehnke, Ulrike Martens, Andy Thomas, Günter Reiss, Markus Münzenberg, and Timo Kuschel
09:45 |
TT 63.2 |
Quantitative disentanglement of spin Seebeck, intrinsic anomalous Nernst, and proximity-induced anomalous Nernst effect in NM/FM bilayers — •Panagiota Bougiatioti, Christoph Klewe, Daniel Meier, Orestis Manos, Olga Kuschel, Joachim Wollschläger, Laurence Bouchenoire, Simon D. Brown, Jan-Michael Schmalhorst, Günter Reiss, and Timo Kuschel
10:00 |
TT 63.3 |
Magneto-Seebeck Tunneling Across a Vacuum Barrier — •Cody Friesen, Hermann Osterhage, and Stefan Krause
10:15 |
TT 63.4 |
Interface dependent magnon mode coupling in insulating ferrimagnets — •Joel Cramer, Er-Jia Guo, Andreas Kehlberger, Gerhard Jakob, and Mathias Kläui
10:30 |
TT 63.5 |
The contribution has been withdrawn (duplicate of MA 50.2).
10:45 |
15 min. break.
11:00 |
TT 63.6 |
Pumping laser excited spins through MgO barriers — •Ulrike Martens, Jakob Walowski, Thomas Schumann, Maria Mansurova, Alexander Boehnke, Torsten Huebner, Guenter Reiss, Andy Thomas, and Markus Muenzenberg
11:15 |
TT 63.7 |
Thermally Induced Spin Transfer Torque on MgO-based magnetic tunnel junctions using microresonators — •Hamza Cansever, Ciaran Fowley, Rysard Narkovicz, Ewa Kowalska, Yuriy Aleksandrov, Oguz Yildirim, Aleksandra Titova, Kilian Lenz, Jürgen Lindner, Jürgen Fassbende, and Alina M. Deac
11:30 |
TT 63.8 |
Quantitative separation of the anisotropic magnetothermopower and planar Nernst effect by the rotation of an in-plane thermal gradient — •Oliver Reimer, Daniel Meier, Michel Bovender, Lars Helmich, Jan-Oliver Dreessen, Jan Krieft, Jan-Michael Schmalhorst, Andreas Hueutten, Guenter Reiss, and Timo Kuschel
11:45 |
TT 63.9 |
Insights into the spin-orbit coupling mediated thermoelectric properties of half metallic full Heusler alloys — •Voicu Popescu and Peter Kratzer