15:00 |
TT 75.1 |
Keldysh-FRG Approach for Inhomogeneous One-Dimensional Fermi Systems with Finite-Ranged Interactions — •Lukas Weidinger, Dennis Schimmel, and Jan von Delft
15:00 |
TT 75.2 |
Non-equilibrium transport through a disordered molecular nanowire — Patrick Thiessen, Francisco Dominguez-Adame, •Rudolf A Römer, and Elena Diaz
15:00 |
TT 75.3 |
Implementation of transmission functions for an optimized three-terminal quantum dot heat engine — •Christian H. Schiegg, Michael Dzierzawa, and Ulrich Eckern
15:00 |
TT 75.4 |
Hierarchical equations of motion approach to transport through an Anderson impurity coupled to interacting Luttinger liquid leads — •Junichi Okamoto, Ludwig Mathey, and Rainer Härtle
15:00 |
TT 75.5 |
Quantifying system-bath correlations in biased quantum dot systems using the hierarchical quantum master equation technique — •Jakob Bätge and Rainer Härtle
15:00 |
TT 75.6 |
Switching the electrical conductance of double quantum dot and quantum dot spin valve systems exploiting exchange interactions — •Sebastian Wenderoth and Rainer Härtle
15:00 |
TT 75.7 |
Lab::Measurement — Measurement control and automation with Perl — Simon Reinhardt, Christian Butschkow, Alexei Iankilevitch, Alois Dirnaichner, and •Andreas K. Hüttel
15:00 |
TT 75.8 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
15:00 |
TT 75.9 |
Utilizing SETs in single electron counting experiments — •David Reifert, Niels Ubbelohde, Ralf Dolata, Thomas Weimann, and Alexander Zorin
15:00 |
TT 75.10 |
Quantum transport and response with spin-orbit coupling in magnetic fields — •Klaus Morawetz
15:00 |
TT 75.11 |
Large anomalous Hall effect in the non-collinear antiferromagnet Mn5Si3 — •Christoph Sürgers, Thomas Wolf, Peter Adelmann, Wolfram Kittler, Gerda Fischer, and Hilbert v. Löhneysen
15:00 |
TT 75.12 |
Magnetotransport in Topological Insulator Bi1.5Sb0.5Te1.7Se1.3 — •Priyamvada Bhaskar, André Dankert, Dmitrii Khokhriakov, and Saroj Dash
15:00 |
TT 75.13 |
Shot noise of contacts to Fe atoms and FeHn on Au(111) — •Michael Mohr, Andreas Burtzlaff, Alexander Weismann, and Richard Berndt
15:00 |
TT 75.14 |
Transmission through half-metallic NiMnSb under consideration of defects and correlations — •Andreas Prinz-Zwick, Wilhelm Appelt, Liviu Chioncel, and Ulrich Eckern
15:00 |
TT 75.15 |
Resonance phenomena in ferrocene-based single-molecule junctions — •Diana Slawig, Karthiga Kanthasamy, Markus Ring, Holger Butenschön, Christoph Tegenkamp, Fabian Pauly, and Herbert Pfnür
15:00 |
TT 75.16 |
Constructing nanoelectronic circuits by top-down and bottom-up strategies — •Filip Kilibarda, Torsten Sendler, Dipjyoti Deb, Muhammad Bilal Khan, Bezu Teschome, and Artur Erbe
15:00 |
TT 75.17 |
Design rules for molecular electronics: Theoretical and experimental approach — Lokamani Lokamani, •Filip Kilibarda, Jannic Wolf, Peter Zahn, Thomas Huhn, Sibylle Gemming, and Artur Erbe
15:00 |
TT 75.18 |
Ab-initio Simulation of Quantum Transport through Silane Molecular Wires — •María Camarasa-Gómez, Haixing Li, Daniel Hernangómez-Pérez, Latha Venkataraman, and Ferdinand Evers
15:00 |
TT 75.19 |
Vibrational excitations in current-driven single-molecule junctions — •Joachim Reichert, Hai Bi, Carlos-Andres Palma, Yuxiang Gong, Mark Elbing, Marcel Mayor, and Johannes V. Barth
15:00 |
TT 75.20 |
Large magnetoresistance in single radical molecular junctions — •Sebastian Hambsch, Ryoma Hayakawa, Amin Karimi, Jannic Wolf, Thomas Huhn, Martin Sebastian Zöllner, Carmen Herrmann und Elke Scheer
15:00 |
TT 75.21 |
Beyond the Born-Oppenheimer approximation: Non-adiabatic processes in manganites — •Michael ten Brink, Peter E. Blöchl, Stephanie Mildner, and Christian Jooss
15:00 |
TT 75.22 |
Comparison of dephasing models for molecular wires — •Patrick Karasch, Verena Gupta, Gabriele Penazzi, Alessandro Pecchia, Dmitry A. Ryndyk, and Thomas Frauenheim
15:00 |
TT 75.23 |
Parallel fabrication of an entire array of carbon nanotubes devices: a new approach to stamping techniques — •Christian Bäuml, Korbinian Mühlberger, Julian Heger, Christoph Strunk, and Nicola Paradiso
15:00 |
TT 75.24 |
Shot noise measurements on an ultra clean CNT quantum dot — •Michael Schafberger, Daniel Steininger, Nicola Paradiso, and Christoph Strunk
15:00 |
TT 75.25 |
Magnetic field control of the electron-vibron coupling in a carbon nanotube quantum dot — Peter L. Stiller, Daniel R. Schmid, Christoph Strunk, and •Andreas K. Hüttel
15:00 |
TT 75.26 |
Determining the carbon nanotube chiral angle from electronic Fabry-Perot interference — Alois Dirnaichner, Miriam del Valle, Karl Götz, Felix Schupp, Nicola Paradiso, Milena Grifoni, Christoph Strunk, and •Andreas K. Hüttel
15:00 |
TT 75.27 |
Towards GHz reflection on a suspended carbon nanotube — Pascal Brunner, •Stefan Blien, and Andreas K. Hüttel
15:00 |
TT 75.28 |
Current flow paths in deformed graphene and carbon nanotubes — Erik Kleinherbers, •Nikodem Szpak, and Ralf Schützhold
15:00 |
TT 75.29 |
Coherent exciton transport in double-bilayer graphene — •Bogusz Bujnowski, Dario Bercioux, Jerôme Cayssol, and Sebastian Bergeret
15:00 |
TT 75.30 |
Spin and Charge Transport in Tailored Carbon Allotropes such as Doped Graphene — •Marie-Luise Braatz, Nils Richter, Hai I. Wang, Axel Binder, Mischa Bonn, and Mathias Kläui
15:00 |
TT 75.31 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
15:00 |
TT 75.32 |
Simulation of Electron Transport through Graphene-Molecule Junctions — •Dominik Weckbecker, Susanne Leitherer, Konrad Ullmann, Pedro B. Coto, Heiko B. Weber, and Michael Thoss