15:00 |
TT 76.1 |
Vibrational lasing in a nanomechanical resonator by spin-polarized current — •Mattia Mantovani, Andrew Armour, Wolfgang Belzig, and Gianluca Rastelli
15:00 |
TT 76.2 |
Violation of the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality in two microwave cavities coupled to two parallel quantum dots — •Felicitas Hellbach, Fabian Pauly, Wolfgang Belzig, and Gianluca Rastelli
15:00 |
TT 76.3 |
Entanglement in propagating two-mode squeezed microwave states — •B. Ghaffari, K. G. Fedorov, S. Pogorzalek, P. Yard, P. Eder, M. Fischer, J. Goetz, E. Xie, A. Marx, F. Deppe, and R. Gross
15:00 |
TT 76.4 |
Noise spectroscopy by dynamical decoupling of a transmon qubit — •Tim Wolz, Andre Schneider, Jochen Braumüller, Martin Weides, and Alexey V. Ustinov
15:00 |
TT 76.5 |
Superconducting microwave resonator designs for electron paramagnetic resonance at millikelvin temperatures — •Petio Natzkin, Stefan Weichselbaumer, Christoph W. Zollitsch, Rudolf Gross, and Hans Huebl
15:00 |
TT 76.6 |
Time-Translation Symmetry Breaking and First-Order Phase Transitions in Periodically Driven Quantum Oscillators — Jennifer Gosner, •Björn Kubala, Mark Dykman, and Joachim Ankerhold
15:00 |
TT 76.7 |
Dynamics of the pulsed central spin model and the validity of the rotating wave approximation for short pulses — •Lars B. Gravert and Götz S. Uhrig
15:00 |
TT 76.8 |
Strain Engineering of the Band Structure of HgTe Quantum Wells — •Lukas Lunczer, Philipp Leubner, Christoph Brüne, Hartmut Buhmann, and Laurens W. Molenkamp
15:00 |
TT 76.9 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
15:00 |
TT 76.10 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
15:00 |
TT 76.11 |
Ohmic Contacts on HgTe Quantum wells - a SEM study — •Simon Hartinger, Johannes Kleinlein, Hartmut Buhmann, and Laurens W. Molenkamp
15:00 |
TT 76.12 |
Topological semimetals and insulators in three-dimensional honeycomb materials — •Dennis Wawrzik, David Lindner, Maria Hermanns, and Simon Trebst
15:00 |
TT 76.13 |
Computing topological invariants in two-dimensional periodically driven systems — •Bastian Höckendorf, Andreas Alvermann, and Holger Fehske
15:00 |
TT 76.14 |
Phase-coherent transport in 3D topological insulators encapsulated in hexagonal boron nitride — •Shaham Jafarpisheh, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Bernd Beschoten, and Christoph Stampfer
15:00 |
TT 76.15 |
Surface transport on thin semi-metallic films: The role of thickness and magnetic impurities — •Philipp Kröger, Marianna Siemens, Herbert Pfnür, and Christoph Tegenkamp
15:00 |
TT 76.16 |
Synthesis and characterization of the weak 3D topological insulator Bi14Rh3I9 — •Ali Scherzad, Sebastian Witt, and Cornelius Krellner
15:00 |
TT 76.17 |
3D topological Kondo insulators: Slave-boson mean-field theory and fluctuations — •Soroush Arabi and Johann Kroha
15:00 |
TT 76.18 |
Scattering properties of electrons on TaAs Weyl Semimetal surfaces — •Steven Rendon Restrepo, Philipp Rüssmann, Phivos Mavropoulos, and Stefan Blügel
15:00 |
TT 76.19 |
Planar Hall effect and anisotropic magnetoresistance from the surface states of disordered 3D topological insulators — •Henry Legg and Achim Rosch
15:00 |
TT 76.20 |
Gigantic negative magnetoresistance in the topological insulator TlBixSb1−xTe2 — •Oliver Breunig, Zhiwei Wang, Jonathan Lux, Achim Rosch, Alexey Taskin, and Yoichi Ando
15:00 |
TT 76.21 |
Dynamics of Moving Majorana States and Disorder — •Qingyufei Terenz Feng, Zala Lenarcic, and Achim Rosch
15:00 |
TT 76.22 |
Stretched exponential decay of Majorana edge modes in many-body localized Kitaev chains — •Florian Katsch, Leon Droenner, Markus Heyl, and Alexander Carmele
15:00 |
TT 76.23 |
Topological Quantum Wires with Balanced Gain and Loss — •Henri Menke and Moritz Hirschmann
15:00 |
TT 76.24 |
Transport Properties of Superconducting InxSn1−xTe nano-plates and nano-ribbons — •Fan Yang, Zhiwei Wang, and Yoichi Ando
15:00 |
TT 76.25 |
Low-temperature heat transport of the topological superconductor CuxBi2Se3 — •Lionel Andersen, Zhiwei Wang, Thomas Lorenz, and Yoichi Ando
15:00 |
TT 76.26 |
Zero-Temperature Bell Test in a Driven Mesoscopic Contact — •hongxin zhan, mihajlo vanevic, and wolfgang belzig
15:00 |
TT 76.27 |
Full counting statistics analyzed by generalized factorial cumulants — •Philipp Stegmann, Stephan Weiss, and Jürgen König