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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen

TT 80: Low-Dimensional Systems: Oxide Hetero-Interfaces

TT 80.7: Talk

Friday, March 24, 2017, 11:00–11:15, HSZ 103

Tuning electronic phases and topological properties in 3d-oxide honeycomb lattices confined within the corundum structure — •Okan Köksal, Santu Baidya, and Rossitza Pentcheva — Fakultät für Physik and Center of Nanointegration (CENIDE), Universität Duisburg-Essen, 47057 Duisburg

Using density functional theory including an on-site Coulomb term, we explore electronic and possibly topologically nontrivial phases in 3d transition metal oxide honeycomb layers confined in the corundum structure (α-Al2O3) along the [0001] direction. Except for X=V, Cr and Fe, most of the systems exhibit a ground state that is distinct from the corresponding bulk X2O3 compound. In particular, ferromagnetic X=Ti, Mn, Ni and metastable Co exhibit a characteristic set of four bands with a Dirac crossing close to the Fermi level. Our results indicate that the Dirac point can be tuned to the Fermi level using strain. Switching on spin-orbit coupling, a finite anomalous Hall conductivity with values up to 0.75 e2/h is obtained. Parallels to the perovskite analogons LaXO3/LaAlO3(111) [1] are discussed.

Support by the DFG within priority program TRR80, project G3 and a computational grant at the Leibniz Rechenzentrum are gratefully acknowledged.

[1] D. Doennig, S. Baidya, W. E. Pickett, and R. Pentcheva, Phys. Rev. B 93, 165145 (2016)

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