17:00 |
A 10.1 |
Invited Talk:
Single-shot coherent diffractive imaging of individual clusters using a high harmonic source — Nils Monserud, Daniela Rupp, Bruno Langbehn, Mario Sauppe, Julian Zimmermann, Yevheniy Ovcharenko, Thomas Möller, Fabio Frassetto, Luca Poletto, Andrea Trabattoni, Francesca Calgari, Mauro Misoli, Katharina Sander, Christian Peltz, Marc J.J. Vrakking, Thomas Fennel, and •Arnaud Rouzée
17:30 |
A 10.2 |
Numerical simulations for characterizing and optimizing an aerodynamic lens — •Nils Roth, Salah Awel, Daniel Horke, and Jochen Küpper
17:45 |
A 10.3 |
Femtosecond Diffractive Imaging of Coherent Nuclear Motion using Relativistic Electrons — Jie Yang, •Markus Gühr, Xiaozhe Shen, Renkai Li, Theodore Vecchione, Ryan Coffee, Jeff Corbett, Alan Fry, Nick Hartmann, Carsten Hast, Kareem Hegazy, Keith Jobe, Igor Makasyuk, Joseph Robinson, Matthew Robinson, Sharon Vetter, Stephen Weatherby, Charles Yoneda, Xijie Wang, and Martin Centurion
18:00 |
A 10.4 |
Ultrashort polarization-tailored bichromatic fields — •Stefanie Kerbstadt, Lars Englert, Tim Bayer, and Matthias Wollenhaupt
18:15 |
A 10.5 |
Electronic decoherence following photoionization: full quantum-dynamical treatment of the influence of nuclear motion — •Caroline Arnold, Oriol Vendrell, and Robin Santra
18:30 |
A 10.6 |
Optimisation of strong laser field-free alignment using tailored light fields — •Evangelos Thomas Karamatskos, Sebastian Raabe, Andrea Trabattoni, Terry Mullins, Sebastian Trippel, Arnaud Rouzee, and Jochen Küpper