14:30 |
A 25.1 |
Non-equilibrium dynamics of dipolar interacting Rydberg spins — •Adrien Signoles, Miguel Ferreira-Cao, Asier Pineiro Orioli, Renato Ferracini Alves, Vladislav Gavryusev, Gerhard Zürn, Jürgen Berges, Shannon Whitlock, and Matthias Weidemüller
15:00 |
A 25.2 |
Towards a strongly interacting gas of cold strontium Rydberg atoms — Ingo Nosske, Luc Couturier, Chang Qiao, Fachao Hu, •Jan Blume, Canzhu Tan, Peng Chen, Yuhai Jiang, and Matthias Weidemüller
15:15 |
A 25.3 |
Spectroscopy of Rydberg states in ultra cold ytterbium — •Christian Halter, Mustafa Jumaah, Laura Sucke, Tobias Franzen, Bastian Pollklesener, Cristian Bruni, and Axel Görlitz
15:30 |
A 25.4 |
Simulating Rydberg dressing of a one-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensate — •Graham Lochead, Marcin Plodzien, Julius de Hond, N. J. van Druten, and Servaas Kokkelmans
15:45 |
A 25.5 |
Photon propagation through dissipative Rydberg medium at large input rates — •Ivan Mirgorodskiy, Christoph Braun, Florian Christaller, Christoph Tresp, Asaf Paris-Mandoki, and Sebastian Hofferberth
16:00 |
A 25.6 |
Rydberg excitation of cold atoms in hollow core fiber — •Mohammad Noaman, Maria Langbecker, Chantal Voss, Maik Selch, Florian Stuhlmann, and Patrick Windpassinger
16:15 |
A 25.7 |
Mixed spin character bound states in ultra-long range giant dipole molecules — •Thomas Stielow, Markus Kurz, and Stefan Scheel
16:30 |
A 25.8 |
Strong coupling of a Rydberg super atom to a propagating light mode — •Jan Kumlin, Asaf Paris-Mandoki, Christoph Braun, Christoph Tresp, Sebastian Hofferberth, and Hans Peter Büchler