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A: Fachverband Atomphysik
A 26: Poster Session II
A 26.40: Poster
Wednesday, March 8, 2017, 17:00–19:00, P OG1
Collision energies in inelastic electron-ion interaction at the CSR — •Sunny Saurabh1, Arno Becker1, Roman Čurík2, Claude Krantz1, Chris Greene3, Oldřich Novotný1, Marius Rimmler1, Stephen Vogel1, Patrick Wilhelm1, and Andreas Wolf1 — 1Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany — 2Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic — 3Purdue University, Indiana, United States of America
In the Cryogenic Storage Ring (CSR) at MPIK, molecular ions are stored over 1000 s in a low blackbody radiation field environment of ∼10 K. Under these conditions molecular ions can radiatively relax toward the ro-vibrational ground state. To facilitate electron-ion collision experiments, a new electron cooler device is being implemented at the CSR. The electrons are produced at cold photocathode and magnetically guided and merged with ion beam in the CSR orbit. The merged beam geometry of the electron cooler is envisaged giving us tunable center of mass (COM) frame collision energies from 0 to several eV. The geometry of the merging and de-merging region of cooler, temperature of electrons and space-charge effects in the electron-ion interaction region cause a position dependence of the COM collision energy with also non-zero values for velocity matched electron-ion mean collision velocities. To understand this, detailed studies have been carried out. Lastly the role of electron induced excitation and de-excitation of HeH+ ions will be presented for the first time in cold environment (∼10 K). Electron induced excitation and cooling enter in competition with destruction and neutralization processes.