Mainz 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
A 32: Rydberg gasses I
Freitag, 10. März 2017, 11:00–13:00, HS 20
11:00 |
A 32.1 |
Rydberg blockade of excitons in Cu2O — •Julian Heckötter, Marcel Freitag, Marc Aßmann, Tomasz Kazimierczuk, Dietmar Fröhlich, and Manfred Bayer
11:15 |
A 32.2 |
Collective holonomic phase gate by Rydberg-dressed photon blockade — •Felix Motzoi and Klaus Molmer
11:30 |
A 32.3 |
High-fidelity Rydberg-blockade entangling gate using shaped, analytic pulses — •Lukas Theis, Felix Motzoi, Frank Wilhelm, and Mark Saffman
11:45 |
A 32.4 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
12:00 |
A 32.5 |
Stability and instabilities of bosonic crystalline quantum phases of Rydberg dressed lattice gases — •Andreas Geißler, Mathieu Barbier, Ulf Bissbort, Yongqiang Li, and Walter Hofstetter
12:15 |
A 32.6 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
12:30 |
A 32.7 |
Bistability vs. Metastability in Driven Dissipative Rydberg Gases — •Oliver Thomas, Fabian Letscher, Thomas Niederprüm, Michael Fleischhauer, and Herwig Ott
12:45 |
A 32.8 |
Coherent many-body dynamics in Rydberg-dressed spin chains — •Simon Hollerith, Johannes Zeiher, Antonio Rubio-Abadal, Jae-yooni Choi, Rick van Bijnen, Immanuel Bloch, and Christian Groß