Mainz 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
A 33: Ultracold atoms and BEC - V (with Q)
Freitag, 10. März 2017, 11:00–13:00, N 1
11:00 |
A 33.1 |
Quantum Galvanometer with ultracold atoms — •Carola Rogulj, Peter Federsel, Malte Reinschmidt, Lukas Gussmann, Andreas Günther, and József Fortágh
11:15 |
A 33.2 |
A deterministic ion source based on ultracold atoms — •Cihan Sahin, Jens Benary, Philipp Geppert, Andreas Müllers, and Herwig Ott
11:30 |
A 33.3 |
Ultracold electron source from a MOT studied by ToF-microscopy — •Olena Fedchenko, Sergey Chernov, Melissa Vielle-Grosjean, Gerd Schönhense, and Daniel Comparat
11:45 |
A 33.4 |
Realization of uniform synthetic magnetic fields by periodically shaking an optical square lattice — Charles Creffield, •Gregor Pieplow, Fernando Sols, and Nathan Goldman
12:00 |
A 33.5 |
Cavity-assisted measurement and coherent control of collective atomic spin oscillators — •Nicolas Spethmann, Jonathan Kohler, Sydney Schreppler, and Dan Stamper-Kurn
12:15 |
A 33.6 |
Sudden and Slow Quenches into the Antiferromagnetic Phase of Ultracold Fermions — Monika Ojekhile, •Robert Höppner, Henning Moritz, and Ludwig Mathey
12:30 |
A 33.7 |
Measuring Correlations in a Double Well with Single-Atom Imaging — •Vincent M. Klinkhamer, Andrea Bergschneider, Jan Hendrik Becher, Philine L. Bommer, Justin F. Niedermeyer, Gerhard Zürn, Philipp M. Preiss, and Selim Jochim
12:45 |
A 33.8 |
Scaling of a long-range interacting quantum spin system driven out of equilibrium — •Stephan Helmrich, Alda Arias, and Shannon Whitlock