17:00 |
Q 31.1 |
Observation of Four-body Ring-exchange Interaction and Anyonic Fractional Statistics — •Han-Ning Dai, Bing Yang, Andreas Reingruber, Hui Sun, Xiao-Fan Xu, Yu-Ao Chen, Zhen-Sheng Yuan, and Jian-Wei Pan
17:00 |
Q 31.2 |
Observation of Quantum Criticality and Luttinger Liquid in One-dimensional Bose Gases — •Bing Yang, Yang-Yang Chen, Yong-Guang Zheng, Hui Sun, Han-Ning Dai, Xi-Wen Guan, Zhen-Sheng Yuan, and Jian-Wei Pan
17:00 |
Q 31.3 |
Universal many-body scattering matrix for strong sound-wave turbulence in a dilute Bose gas — •Isara Chantesana and Thomas Gasenzer
17:00 |
Q 31.4 |
Atom-cavity physics with a Bose-Einstein condensate in an ultra-narrow band resonator — •Jens Klinder, Christoph Georges, Jose Vargas, Hans Keßler, and Andreas Hemmerich
17:00 |
Q 31.5 |
Beyond mean-field dynamics of ultra-cold bosonic atoms in elongated traps — •Valentin Bolsinger, Sven Krönke, and Peter Schmelcher
17:00 |
Q 31.6 |
Loading and in-situ fluorescence imaging of ultracold potassium in an optical trap — •Tobias Wintermantel, Henrik Hirzler, Alda Arias, Stephan Helmrich, Graham Lochead, and Shannon Whitlock
17:00 |
Q 31.7 |
Non-equilibrium dynamics of an F=1 spinor Bose-Einstein condensate — •Kevin Geier, Christian-Marcel Schmied, Sebastian Erne, and Thomas Gasenzer
17:00 |
Q 31.8 |
Dynamics of a one-dimensional two-component Bose gas quenched to criticality. — •Martin Rabel, Markus Karl, and Thomas Gasenzer
17:00 |
Q 31.9 |
Goldstone mode in the quench dynamics of an ultracold BCS Fermi gas: A full Bogoliubov-de Gennes approach — •Peter Kettmann, Simon Hannibal, Mihail Croitoru, Vollrath Martin Axt, and Tilmann Kuhn
17:00 |
Q 31.10 |
Universal scaling and non-thermal fixed points in spin systems — •Stefanie Czischek, Halil Cakir, Markus Karl, Michael Kastner, Markus K. Oberthaler, and Thomas Gasenzer
17:00 |
Q 31.11 |
Probing Relaxation at the Many-Body Localization Transition with Ultracold Fermions in Optical Lattices — •Sebastian Scherg, Henrik Lüschen, Pranjal Bordia, Ulrich Schneider, and Immanuel Bloch
17:00 |
Q 31.12 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
17:00 |
Q 31.13 |
Fermi Surface Deformation in Dipolar Fermi Gases — •Vladimir Veljić, Antun Balaž, and Axel Pelster
17:00 |
Q 31.14 |
Towards second sound in a quasi two dimensional Fermi gas — •Daniel Hoffmann, Thomas Paintner, Wolfgang Limmer, and Johannes Hecker Denschlag
17:00 |
Q 31.15 |
Quench dynamics and equilibrium behavior in a spinless Fermi-Hubbard ladder with dipolar interactions — •Philipp Fabritius and Shannon Whitlock
17:00 |
Q 31.16 |
An experiment to initialize and study the Fermi-Hubbard model atom by atom — •Phillip Wieburg, Kai Morgener, Thomas Lompe, and Henning Moritz
17:00 |
Q 31.17 |
Anomalous heating in ion traps: where does the noise originate? — •Carsten Henkel, Henning Kaufmann, and Ulrich Poschinger
17:00 |
Q 31.18 |
A hybrid atom-ion trap for ultracold Li and Yb+ — •Jannis Joger, Henning Fürst, Norman Ewald, Thomas Secker, Thomas Feldker, and Rene Gerritsma
17:00 |
Q 31.19 |
Laser cooling of Dysprosium — •Niels Petersen, Florian Mühlbauer, Carina Baumgärtner, Lena Maske, and Patrick Windpassinger
17:00 |
Q 31.20 |
The role of particle (in-)distinguishability for many-particle dynamics in optical lattices — •Tobias Brünner, Gabriel Dufour, Alberto Rodriguez, and Andreas Buchleitner
17:00 |
Q 31.21 |
Quantum Hall physics with quantum walks in a synthetic magnetic field — •Muhammad Sajid, Dieter Meschede, and Andrea Alberti
17:00 |
Q 31.22 |
Imaging topologically protected transport in 2D optical lattices — •Falk-Richard Winkelmann, Stefan Brakhane, Alexander Knieps, Geol Moon, Gautam Ramola, Carsten Robens, Max Werninghaus, Wolfgang Alt, Dieter Meschede, and Andrea Alberti
17:00 |
Q 31.23 |
Rydberg excitations of cold atoms inside a hollow-core fiber — •Maria Langbecker, Mohammad Noaman, Chantal Voss, Maik Selch, Florian Stuhlmann, and Patrick Windpassinger
17:00 |
Q 31.24 |
Toward a photon-photon quantum logic gate based on Rydberg interactions — •Steffen Schmidt-Eberle, Daniel Tiarks, Thomas Stolz, Stephan Dürr, and Gerhard Rempe
17:00 |
Q 31.25 |
Probing many-body states of interacting Rydberg atoms via fluorescence imaging. — •Henrik Hirzler, Tobias Wintermantel, Stephan Helmrich, Alda Arias, Graham Lochead, and Shannon Whitlock
17:00 |
Q 31.26 |
Simulation of 3D atomic Bragg beam splitters — •Antje Neumann and Reinhold Walser
17:00 |
Q 31.27 |
Atomic lensing with aberrations — •Wolfgang Zeller, Albert Roura, Wolfgang P. Schleich, and the QUANTUS TEAM
17:00 |
Q 31.28 |
Geometric Phases in Light-Pulse Atom Interferometry — •Stephan Kleinert, Wolfgang P. Schleich, and the QUANTUS Team
17:00 |
Q 31.29 |
Elements of a guided electron based quantum electron microscope — •Robert Zimmermann, Philipp Weber, and Peter Hommelhoff
17:00 |
Q 31.30 |
The moiré fieldmeter: an atom optics tool for electric and magnetic field measurements — •Andrea Demetrio, Pierre Lansonneur, Simon Müller, Patrick Nedelec, and Markus K. Oberthaler
17:00 |
Q 31.31 |
Nuclear spin register in diamond and their application — •Thomas Unden, Zhenyu Wang, Jorge Casanova, Boris Naydenov, Alex Retzker, Martin B. Plenio, and Fedor Jelezko
17:00 |
Q 31.32 |
Atom-chip interferometry with Bose-Einstein condensates — •Matthias Gersemann, Sven Abend, Martina Gebbe, Holger Ahlers, Hauke Müntinga, Christian Schubert, Wolfgang Ertmer, Claus Lämmerzahl, Ernst M. Rasel, and the QUANTUS team
17:00 |
Q 31.33 |
Atom-chip based BEC sources for compact and transportable experiments — •H. Heine, J. Matthias, N. Grove, M. Sahelgozin, A. Kassner, M. Rechel, S. Abend, S. T. Seidel, W. Herr, M. C. Wurz, J. Müller, W. Ertmer, and E. M. Rasel
17:00 |
Q 31.34 |
Precision gravity measurements with Very Long Baseline Atom Inteferometry — •Christian Meiners, Dorothee Tell, Etienne Wodey, Dennis Schlippert, Christian Schubert, Wolfgang Ertmer, and Ernst M. Rasel
17:00 |
Q 31.35 |
A compact diode laser system for atom interferometry on a sounding rocket — •Vladimir Schkolnik, Ortwin Hellmig, André Wenzlawski, Jens Grosse, Anja Kohfeldt, Klaus Döringshoff, Andreas Wicht, Patrick Windpassinger, Klaus Sengstock, Claus Braxmaier, Markus Krutzik, Achim Peters, and The MAIUS Team
17:00 |
Q 31.36 |
Testing the Universality of Free Fall with cold atoms — •Henning Albers, Dipankar Nath, Logan L. Richardson, Dennis Schlippert, Christian Schubert, Wolfgang Ertmer, and Ernst M. Rasel
17:00 |
Q 31.37 |
Pushing quantum sensor technology towards ultra-compact and integrated setups — •Marc Christ, Achim Peters, Markus Krutzik, and The KACTUS Team
17:00 |
Q 31.38 |
A cryogenic ion trap experiment for highly charged ions — •Steven A. King, Tobias Leopold, Peter Micke, Lisa Schmöger, Maria Schwarz, José R. Crespo López-Urrutia, and Piet O. Schmidt
17:00 |
Q 31.39 |
A fibre link for optical clock comparison between London and Paris — •Jochen Kronjäger, Giuseppe Marra, Olivier Lopez, Nicolas Quintin, Anne Amy-Klein, Won-Kyu Lee, Paul-Eric Pottie, and Harald Schnatz
17:00 |
Q 31.40 |
Evaluation of a sub-hertz cavity for an 27Al+ optical frequency standard — •Lennart Pelzer, Stephan Hannig, Johannes Kramer, Nils Scharnhost, Steven King, and Piet O. Schmidt
17:00 |
Q 31.41 |
Enhancing the sensitivity of single photon recoils in spectroscopy with non-classical states — •Marius Schulte, Niels Lörch, Piet. O. Schmidt, and Klemens Hammerer
17:00 |
Q 31.42 |
Aufbau eines hochstabilen Einzel-Ionen-Mikroskop — •Felix Stopp, Georg Jacob, Karin Groot-Bering, Mark Keil, Ron Folman und Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
17:00 |
Q 31.43 |
Superresolving Imaging of arbitrary Arrays of Thermal Light sources in the Visible using Multiphoton Interferences — •Anton Classen, Felix Waldmann, Sebastian Giebel, Raimund Schneider, Daniel Bhatti, Thomas Mehringer, and Joachim von Zanthier
17:00 |
Q 31.44 |
Cryogenic ion trap apparatus for quantum information processing with 9Be+ ions — •Fabian Ude, Timko Dubielzig, Sebastian Grondowski, Henning Hahn, Giorgio Zarantonello, Martina Wahnschaffe, Armado Bautista-Salvador, and Christian Ospelkaus
17:00 |
Q 31.45 |
Establishing gate fabrication for advanced multi-layer SiGe Quantumdots — •Philip Schrinner, Arne Hollmann, Tim Leonhardt, Stefan Trellenkamp, and Lars Schreiber
17:00 |
Q 31.46 |
Cooling and Reset of a Superconducting Qubit using Quantum Optimal Control — •Daniel Basilewitsch, Rebecca Schmidt, Sabrina Maniscalco, Dominique Sugny, and Christiane Koch
17:00 |
Q 31.47 |
Experimental analysis of decoherence mechanisms in a single-atom memory for photonic qubits — •Stefan Langenfeld, Matthias Körber, Olivier Morin, Andreas Neuzner, Stephan Ritter, and Gerhard Rempe
17:00 |
Q 31.48 |
Carving of atomic Bell states with a cavity — •Bastian Hacker, Stephan Welte, Severin Daiss, Stephan Ritter, and Gerhard Rempe
17:00 |
Q 31.49 |
Entangled Photon Pair source — •Oleg Nikiforov and Thomas Walther
17:00 |
Q 31.50 |
An FPGA based detection system for QKA — •Stefan Schürl, Kai Roth, Oleg Nikiforov, and Thomas Walther
17:00 |
Q 31.51 |
Towards single neutral atoms in crossed fiber cavities — •Dominik Niemietz, Manuel Brekenfeld, Joseph Dale Christesen, Stephan Ritter, and Gerhard Rempe
17:00 |
Q 31.52 |
Towards cavity-enhanced spectroscopy of single ions in a crystal — •Natalie Wilson, Benjamin Merkel, and Andreas Reiserer
17:00 |
Q 31.53 |
Towards quantum optical experiments with silicon vacancy color centers in diamond at millikelvin temperatures — •David Groß, Jonas Nils Becker, Carsten Arend, Pavel Bushev, and Christoph Becher
17:00 |
Q 31.54 |
RF-Spektroskopie von 40Ca+-Kristallen — •Jens Welzel, Felix Stopp und Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
17:00 |
Q 31.55 |
Single trapped ions for Rydberg quantum logic — Patrick Bachor, •Justas Andrijauskas, Jochen Walz und Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
17:00 |
Q 31.56 |
Analytical tools for investigating strong-field QED processes in tightly focused laser fields — Antonino Di Piazza and •Alessandro Angioi
17:00 |
Q 31.57 |
Casimir Force and Heat Transfer between Topological Insulators — •Sebastian Fuchs, Frieder Lindel, Mauro Antezza, and Stefan Buhmann
17:00 |
Q 31.58 |
Quantum Friction with Hyperbolic Structures — •Marty Oelschläger, Francesco Intravaia, and Kurt Busch
17:00 |
Q 31.59 |
Atom Position Control — •Karl Nicolas Tolazzi, Christoph Hamsen, Tatjana Wilk, and Gerhard Rempe
17:00 |
Q 31.60 |
Fiber Fabry-Perot cavities fabrication for cavity quantum electrodynamics experiments — •Michael Kubista, Seyed Alavi, Wolfgang Alt, Jose Gallego, Tobias Macha, Miguel Martinez-Dorantes, Deepak Pandey, Lothar Ratschbacher, Eduardo Urunuela, and Dieter Meschede
17:00 |
Q 31.61 |
Excitons in WS2 coupled to a Microcavity — •Christian Gebhardt, Michael Förg, Hanno Kaup, Thomas Hümmer, Hisato Yamagutchi, Theodor Wolfgang Hänsch, Alexander Högele, and David Hunger
17:00 |
Q 31.62 |
Superradiance of Classical Fields via Projective Measurements — •Daniel Bhatti, Steffen Oppel, Ralph Wiegner, Girish S. Agarwal, and Joachim von Zanthier
17:00 |
Q 31.63 |
Backwards Master Equation — •Jonas Lammers and Klemens Hammerer
17:00 |
Q 31.64 |
Wavefront propagation study concerning the influence of non-ideal mirror surfaces inside a split-and-delay unit on the focusability of XFEL-pulses — •Victor Kärcher, Sebastian Roling, Liubov Samoylova, Karen Appel, Harald Sinn, Frank Siewert, Ulf Zastrau, and Helmut Zacharias
17:00 |
Q 31.65 |
An XUV and soft X-ray split-and-delay unit for FLASH II — •Dennis Eckermann, Sebastian Roling, Matthias Rollnik, Marion Kuhlmann, Elke Plönjes, Frank Wahlert, and Helmut Zacharias
17:00 |
Q 31.66 |
A split-and-delay unit for the European XFEL: Enabling hard x-ray pump/probe experiments at the HED instrument — •Marco Butz, Sebastian Roling, Karen Appel, Stefan Braun, Peter Gawlitza, Harald Sinn, Frank Wahlert, Ulf Zastrau, and Helmut Zacharias
17:00 |
Q 31.67 |
A cavity-enhanced single photon source using the silicon vacancy center in diamond — •Julia Benedikter, Hanno Kaupp, Christoph Becher, Theodor W. Hänsch, and David Hunger
17:00 |
Q 31.68 |
Towards single NV centers in nanostructures as probes for optical near fields — •Alexander Meyer, Richard Nelz, Michel Challier, Selda Sonusen, Ettore Bernardi, and Elke Neu
17:00 |
Q 31.69 |
Optical Antennas for Color Centers in Diamond — •Philipp Fuchs, Thomas Jung, Hossam Galal, Mario Agio, Xiao-Liu Chu, Stephan Götzinger, and Christoph Becher
17:00 |
Q 31.70 |
Nanofabrication of Optimized Diamond Scanning Probe — •Michel Challier, Richard Nelz, Philipp Fuchs, Julia Purtov, Ettore Bernardi, Selda Sonusen, René Hensel, and Elke Neu
17:00 |
Q 31.71 |
Robust Silicon-Vacancy Single Photon Sources — •Assegid Mengistu Flatae, Francesco Tantussi, Stefano Lagomarsino, Gabriele Messina, Hossam Galal, Ahmad Mohammadi, Francesco De Angelis, and Mario Agio
17:00 |
Q 31.72 |
Optical investigation of color centers in nanodiamonds — •Andrea Filipovski, Olaf Zimmermann, Valery Davydov, Viatchselav Agafonov, Lachlan Rogers, Fedor Jelezko, and Alexander Kubanek
17:00 |
Q 31.73 |
Double-resonant Cavity-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy of Carbon Nanotubes — •Thomas Hümmer, Theodor W. Hänsch, and David Hunger
17:00 |
Q 31.74 |
A supercontinuum source in the extreme ultraviolet using HHG with an OPA system — •Julius Reinhard, Martin Wünsche, Silvio Fuchs, Jan Nathanael, Jakob Abel, Christian Rödel, and Gerhard Paulus
17:00 |
Q 31.75 |
Picosecond Fiber Amplifiers in a MOPA System for Laser Cooling of Relativistic Ion Beams — •Daniel Kiefer, Christian Kühnel, and Thomas Walther
17:00 |
Q 31.76 |
SHG in Periodically Poled Lithiumniobate for a CW Laser System used for Cooling of Relativistic Ion Beams — •Sebastian Klammes, Daniel Kiefer, and Thomas Walther
17:00 |
Q 31.77 |
Spektroskopie von Nd3+-, Ho3+- und Tm3+-dotierten Sesquioxiden im mittleren infraroten Spektralbereich — •Patrick von Brunn, Alexander M. Heuer und Christian Kränkel
17:00 |
Q 31.78 |
Two-color spectroscopy for laser stabilization to the ytterbium 1S0-3P1 intercombination line — •Laura Sucke, Christian Halter, Tobias Franzen, Bastian Pollkesenser, Mustafa Jumaah, Cristian Bruni, and Axel Görlitz
17:00 |
Q 31.79 |
The Gauss-Newton algorithm for light scattering on transparent cylinders — •Gunnar Claussen, Werner Blohm, and Armin Lechleiter
17:00 |
Q 31.80 |
Brillouin-LIDAR zur Messung von Temperaturprofilen im Ozean — •David Rupp, Sonja Friman, Andreas Zipf, Charles Trees und Thomas Walther
17:00 |
Q 31.81 |
Untersuchung spektraler Eigenschaften von Brillouin-Streuung in Abhängigkeit von Temperatur und Salzgehalt in Wasser — •Andreas Zipf, David Rupp, Julius Wessolek und Thomas Walther
17:00 |
Q 31.82 |
Generation and characterization of tunable and shapeable few-optical-cycle mid infrared pulses — •Daniel Gerz, Nick Paul, Cristian Manzoni, Giulio Cerullo, and Marcus Motzkus
17:00 |
Q 31.83 |
Selektives Ätzen fs-lasergeschriebener 3D-Mikrostrukturen in kristallinem Y3Al5O12 — •Kore Hasse, Christian Kränkel und Thomas Calmano
17:00 |
Q 31.84 |
Study of electron photoemission from a tungsten nanotip triggered by ultrashort laser pulses with photon energies from UV to mid-IR — •Ang Li, Martin Kozak, Joshua McNeur, and Peter Hommelhoff
17:00 |
Q 31.85 |
Controlling metal nanotip shapes for application in laser triggered electron emission via dynamic electrochemical etching — •Philipp Hofmann, Alexander Tafel, Jürgen Ristein, and Peter Hommelhoff
17:00 |
Q 31.86 |
Towards a PDC source at NIR wavelengths in a single-mode Rb:PPKTP waveguide — •Christof Eigner, Laura Padberg, Matteo Santandrea, Raimund Ricken, Helge Rütz, and Christine Silberhorn
17:00 |
Q 31.87 |
Performance improvement of an SPDC source using timemultiplexing — •Marcello Massaro, Harald Herrmann, and Christine Silberhorn
17:00 |
Q 31.88 |
Weak meassurement of a rotated mode function — •Sabrina Hartmann, Joachim Fischbach, and Matthias Freyberger
17:00 |
Q 31.89 |
Towards a feedbacked down-conversion source for large complex quantum states — •Melanie Engelkemeier, Regina Kruse, Linda Sansoni, Sonja Barkhofen, and Christine Silberhorn
17:00 |
Q 31.90 |
Quantum signatures in time-domain interferometry — Salvatore Castrignano and •Jörg Evers
17:00 |
Q 31.91 |
Velocity Distribution Compression for Electron Beams with Laser Fields — •Moritz Carmesin, Maxim A. Efremov, and and Wolfgang P. Schleich
17:00 |
Q 31.92 |
Multi-Photon Information Processing — •Johannes Seiler and Vincenzo Tamma
17:00 |
Q 31.93 |
Integration of photonic structures and thermal atomic vapors — •Robert Löw, Ralf Ritter, Harald Kübler, Nico Gruhler, Wolfram Pernice, and Tilman Pfau
17:00 |
Q 31.94 |
Loading Chromophores into Thin Film Metal Organic Frameworks: Guest-Born Carboxylic Groups Facilitate Dye Incorporation. — •Nicolò Baroni, Andrey Turshatov, Michael Oldenburg, Michael Adams, Alexander Welle, Engelbert Redel, Christof Wöll, Bryce S. Richards, and Ian A. Howard
17:00 |
Q 31.95 |
Propagation of field-matter excitations in a microcavity: an application to photon Bose-Einstein condensation — •Yaroslav Gorbachev, Robert Bennett, and Stefan Yoshi Buhmann