17:00 |
Q 40.1 |
Coupled Photon Condensates in Micropotentials — •Erik Busley, Christian Kurtscheid, Christian Schilz, David Dung, Tobias Damm, Frank Vewinger, Julian Schmitt, and Martin Weitz
17:00 |
Q 40.2 |
Bose-Hubbard ladder in a cavity-induced artificial magnetic field — •Catalin-Mihai Halati, Ameneh Sheikhan, and Corinna Kollath
17:00 |
Q 40.3 |
Non-equilibrium dynamics of interacting Bosons in an optical lattice — •René Hamburger, Christian Baals, Bodhaditya Santra, Jian Jiang, Ralf Labouvie, Andreas Müllers, and Herwig Ott
17:00 |
Q 40.4 |
Real-time observation of a quantum phase transition between two insulators — •Nishant Dogra, Lorenz Hruby, Katrin Kröger, Manuele Landini, Tobias Donner, and Tilman Esslinger
17:00 |
Q 40.5 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
17:00 |
Q 40.6 |
Quantum Phases in an Extended Bose-Hubbard Model with Global-Range Interactions — •Katrin Kröger, Renate Landig, Lorenz Hruby, Nishant Dogra, Manuele Landini, Rafael Mottl, Tobias Donner, and Tilman Esslinger
17:00 |
Q 40.7 |
Bottom-up approach to many-body physics with ultracold atoms in adjustable lattices — •Martin Sturm, Malte Schlosser, Gerhard Birkl, and Reinhold Walser
17:00 |
Q 40.8 |
Non-equilibrium dynamics of an interacting Fermi gas — •Johannes Kombe, Jean-Sébastien Bernier, and Corinna Kollath
17:00 |
Q 40.9 |
Towards a lithium quantum gas microscope for small quantum systems — •Andreas Kerkmann, Michael Hagemann, Jan Mika Jacobsen, Justus Brüggenjürgen, Malte Hagemann, Benno Rem, Christof Weitenberg, and Klaus Sengstock
17:00 |
Q 40.10 |
Measuring transport properties of a quantum point contact for cold atoms — •Dominik Husmann, Martin Lebrat, Samuel Häusler, Sebastian Krinner, Laura Corman, Jean-Philippe Brantut, and Tilman Esslinger
17:00 |
Q 40.11 |
Spin- and density-resolved microscopy of antiferromagnetic correlations in Fermi-Hubbard chains — •Joannis Koepsell, Timon Hilker, Guillaume Salomon, Martin Boll, Ahmed Omran, Jayadev Vijayan, Immanuel Bloch, and Christian Gross
17:00 |
Q 40.12 |
Observing the hierarchy of energy scales in a periodically driven two-body system — •Kilian Sandholzer, Rémi Desbuquois, Michael Messer, Frederik Görg, Gregor Jotzu, and Tilman Esslinger
17:00 |
Q 40.13 |
Controlling magnetic exchange couplings in periodically driven systems — •Michael Messer, Frederik Görg, Gregor Jotzu, Kilian Sandholzer, Rémi Desbuquois, and Tilman Esslinger
17:00 |
Q 40.14 |
Exploring Quantum Antiferromagnets with single-site resolution — •Daniel Greif, Anton Mazurenko, Christie S. Chiu, Geoffrey Ji, Maxwell F. Parsons, and Markus Greiner
17:00 |
Q 40.15 |
Gray molasses cooling of 6Li towards a double-degenerate 133Cs-6Li Bose-Fermi mixture — •Manuel Gerken, Stephan Häfner, Binh Tran, Melina Filzinger, Bing Zhu, Juris Ulmanis, and Matthias Weidemüller
17:00 |
Q 40.16 |
Laser Cooling in a Parabolic Mirror — •Thorsten Haase, Nils Trautmann, and Gernot Alber
17:00 |
Q 40.17 |
New apparatus for laser cooling and trapping of Dy and K atoms — C. Ravensbergen, S. Tzanova, M. Kreyer, •E. Soave, A. Werlberger, V. Corre, E. Kirilov, and R. Grimm
17:00 |
Q 40.18 |
Microtrap for hybrid Rb-Yb+ systems — •Matthias Müller, Abasalt Bahrami, Jannis Joger, Rene Gerritsma, and Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
17:00 |
Q 40.19 |
Spin-dependent Transport of Neutral Atoms in a 2D Polarization-Synthesized Optical Lattice — •Max Werninghaus, Stefan Brakhane, Geol Moon, Gautam Ramola, Carsten Robens, Alexander Knieps, Richard Winkelmann, Wolfgang Alt, Dieter Meschede, and Andrea Alberti
17:00 |
Q 40.20 |
Van der Waals interactions of Rydberg excitons — •Johannes Block and Stefan Scheel
17:00 |
Q 40.21 |
Electric field controlled collisions between polar molecules and Rydberg atoms — •Ferdinand Jarisch and Martin Zeppenfeld
17:00 |
Q 40.22 |
Magnetic shielding of an atomic chip trap — •Florian Grewe and Reinhold Walser
17:00 |
Q 40.23 |
Compact and stable potassium laser system for dual-species atom interferometry in microgravity — •Julia Pahl, Christoph Grzeschik, Aline Dinkelaker, Max Schiemangk, Markus Krutzik, Achim Peters, and The QUANTUS-Team
17:00 |
Q 40.24 |
Influence of external forces in near-field matter-wave interferometry — •Filip Kiałka, Benjamin Stickler, and Klaus Hornberger
17:00 |
Q 40.25 |
Compact diode laser system for dual-species atom interferometry with Rb and K in space — •Oliver Anton, Klaus Döringshoff, Vladimir Schkolnik, Simon Kanthak, Markus Krutzik, Achim Peters, and The MAIUS Team
17:00 |
Q 40.26 |
MAIUS-B: Towards dual species atom interferometry with Bose-Einstein condensates in space — •Baptist Piest, Wolfgang Bartosch, Dennis Becker, Michael Elsen, Kai Frye, Maike D. Lachmann, Wolfgang Ertmer, and Ernst M. Rasel
17:00 |
Q 40.27 |
Demonstration of an all digital optical phase-lock for precision measurements. — •Alexandros Papakonstantinou, Thijs Wendrich, Wolfgang Bartosch, Ernst Rasel, and Wolfgang Ertmer
17:00 |
Q 40.28 |
Control electronics for precision measurements on a sounding rocket. — •Wolfgang Bartosch, Thijs Wendrich, Ernst Rasel, and Wolfgang Ertmer
17:00 |
Q 40.29 |
Progress report towards a portable 27Al+ optical clock — •Stephan Hannig, Nils Scharnhorst, Johannes Kramer, Lennart Pelzer, Stepanova Mariia, Leroux Ian D., Tanja E. Mehlstäubler, and Piet O. Schmidt
17:00 |
Q 40.30 |
Investigation of fast ground state cooling schemes for a trapped Ca ion — Nils Scharnhorst, •Johannes Kramer, Javier Cerrillo Moreno, Alex Retzker, Ian D. Leroux, and Piet O. Schmidt
17:00 |
Q 40.31 |
Precise optical bulk and surface absorption measurements in high purity silicon. — •Johannes Dickmann, Stefanie Kroker, Carol Bibiana Rojas Hurtado, René Glaser, and Ronny Nawrodt
17:00 |
Q 40.32 |
Asymmetry induced resonances for performance prediction of short wavelength periodic nanostructures — •Carol Bibiana Rojas Hurtado, Johannes Dickmann, Thomas Siefke, and Stefanie Kroker
17:00 |
Q 40.33 |
Pulse shaping of single photons with pulsed cavity SPDC sources — •Simon Laibacher and Vincenzo Tamma
17:00 |
Q 40.34 |
Optimizing the correlation signals in Hanbury-Brown-Twiss-setups — •André Pscherer, Raimund Schneider, Thomas Mehringer, Johannes Hölzl, and Joachim von Zanthier
17:00 |
Q 40.35 |
Microwave quantum logic for high fidelity quantum simulation with 9Be+ ions — •Sebastian Grondkowski, Timko Dubielzig, Fabian Ude, Hening Hahn, Giorgio Zarantonello, Martina Wahnschaffe, Amado Bautista-Salvador, and Christian Ospelkaus
17:00 |
Q 40.36 |
Simulating boson sampling in free space — •Marc-Oliver Pleinert and Joachim von Zanthier
17:00 |
Q 40.37 |
2D arrays of ion traps in cryogenic environment for quantum information processing — •Philip Holz, Kirill Lakhmanskiy, Stefan Partel, Stephan Kasemann, Volha Matylitskaya, Johannes Edlinger, Muir Kumph, Mike Brownnutt, Yves Colombe, and Rainer Blatt
17:00 |
Q 40.38 |
Controlled absorption of a single photon by a single atom via adiabatic transfer — Luigi Giannelli, •Tom Schmit, Susanne Blum, Daniel M. Reich, Christiane P. Koch, Tommaso Calarco, and Giovanna Morigi
17:00 |
Q 40.39 |
Characterizing Bell Polytopes for loophole free Bell tests in multipartite scenarios — •Alexander Sauer, Nils Trautmann, and Gernot Alber
17:00 |
Q 40.40 |
Squeezing Distillation from Atmospheric Fluctuations — •Kevin Günthner, Ömer Bayraktar, Andreas Thurn, Christian Peuntinger, Dominique Elser, Christoph Marquardt, and Gerd Leuchs
17:00 |
Q 40.41 |
Construction of a single-NV setup for single-molecule NMR — •Till Lenz, Lykourgos Bougas, Arne Wickenbrock, Samer Afach, John W. Blanchard, Liam McGuinness, Fedor Jelezko, and Dmitry Budker
17:00 |
Q 40.42 |
Properties of the Quantum free-electron laser — •Peter Kling, Enno Giese, Roland Sauerbrey, and Wolfgang P. Schleich
17:00 |
Q 40.43 |
Birth, death and revival of spontaneous emission of a three-atom system — Simon Mährlein, Kevin Günthner, Jörg Evers, and •Joachim von Zanthier
17:00 |
Q 40.44 |
Characterisation of open acess microcavities — •Olaf Zimmermann, Andrea Filipovski, Felix Glöckler, and Alexander Kubanek
17:00 |
Q 40.45 |
Collective sensing at x-ray energies — Paolo Longo, •Dominik Lentrodt, Christoph H. Keitel, and Jörg Evers
17:00 |
Q 40.46 |
A Lorentz-covariant master equation for a scalar quantum field — •Marduk Bolaños and Klaus Hornberger
17:00 |
Q 40.47 |
Thermalization in an isolated quantum system - dynamics and time scales — •Govinda Clos, Diego Porras, Matthias Wittemer, Ulrich Warring, and Tobias Schaetz
17:00 |
Q 40.48 |
Asymmetric fiber cavities for quantum opto-mechanics with SiN-membranes — •Jan Petermann, Tobias Wagner, Philipp Christoph, Christoph Becker, Klaus Sengstock, Hai Zhong, Alexander Schwarz, and Roland Wiesendanger
17:00 |
Q 40.49 |
A classical linear Boltzmann equation for rotational friction and diffusion — •Lukas Martinetz, Benjamin A. Stickler, and Klaus Hornberger
17:00 |
Q 40.50 |
Coupling cold atoms to a cryogenically cooled optomechanical device — •Philipp Christoph, Jan Petermann, Tobias Wagner, Christina Staarmann, Klaus Sengstock, Christoph Becker, Hai Zhong, Alexander Schwarz, and Roland Wiesendanger
17:00 |
Q 40.51 |
Single photon emission from point defects in hexagonal boron nitride flakes — •Bernd Sontheimer, Merle Braun, Nikola Sadzak, Igor Aharonovich, and Oliver Benson
17:00 |
Q 40.52 |
Widefield Microwave Imaging using NV Centres — •Andrew Horsley, Janik Wolters, Patrick Appel, James Wood, Jocelyn Achard, Alexandre Tallaire, Patrick Maletinsky, and Philipp Treutlein
17:00 |
Q 40.53 |
Low temperature spectroscopy of quantum emitters in 2D materials — •Korbinian Kottmann, Andreas Dietrich, Stefan Häussler, Kerem Bray, Igor Aharonovich, Fedor Jelezko, and Alexander Kubanek
17:00 |
Q 40.54 |
The contribution has been withdrawn (duplicate of Q 40.55).
17:00 |
Q 40.55 |
Low Temperature spectroscopy of color center in thin diamond layer — •Andreas Dietrich, Stefan Häußler, Korbinian Kottmann, Lukas Antoniuk, Kerem Bray, Igor Aharonovich, Fedor Jelezko, and Alexander Kubanek
17:00 |
Q 40.56 |
Frequency Doubling of Fiber Amplified Picosecond Laserpulses for Ion Beam Cooling — •Christian Kühnel, Daniel Kiefer, and Thomas Walther
17:00 |
Q 40.57 |
Tabletop 20 kHz laser source for circularly polarized vacuum ultraviolet radiation — •Tobias Reiker, Daniel Nürenberg, and Helmut Zacharias
17:00 |
Q 40.58 |
Stimulated Raman scattering microscopy by Nyquist modulation of a two-branch ultrafast fiber source — •Peter Fimpel, Claudius Riek, Peyman Zirak, Christoph Kölbl, Alfred Leitenstorfer, Daniele Brida, and Andreas Zumbusch
17:00 |
Q 40.59 |
Atom interferometry with ultracold thermal clouds and realistic laser pulses — •Jens Jenewein, Albert Roura, Wolfgang P. Schleich, and the QUANTUS Team
17:00 |
Q 40.60 |
Light propagation in a 1D medium of high optical density — •Roman Sulzbach and Reinhold Walser
17:00 |
Q 40.61 |
From incoherent to coherent: modeling quantum-dot superluminescent diodes — •Franziska Friedrich and Reinhold Walser
17:00 |
Q 40.62 |
Direct probing of higher order Fock states — •Johannes Tiedau, Georg Harder, Vahid Ansari, Tim J. Bartley, and Christine Silberhorn
17:00 |
Q 40.63 |
Qudi: a modular Python suite for experiment control including implemented modules for confocal microscopy, quantum optics and quantum information experiments — •Jan M. Binder, Alexander Stark, Nikolas Tomek, Jochen Scheuer, Florian Frank, Kay D. Jahnke, Christoph Müller, Simon Schmitt, Mathias H. Metsch, Thomas Unden, Tobias Gehring, Ulrik L. Andersen, Lachlan J. Rogers, and Fedor Jelezko
17:00 |
Q 40.64 |
Limits on the time-multiplexed photon-counting method — •Regina Kruse, Johannes Tiedau, Tim Bartley, Sonja Barkhofen, and Christine Silberhorn
17:00 |
Q 40.65 |
Laserinduzierte Hochspannungsentladung zur Erzeugung eines Plasmawellenleiters für die Elektronenbeschleunigung — •Carola Wirth, Alexander Sävert, Wolfgang Ziegler und Malte C. Kaluza
17:00 |
Q 40.66 |
Three-dimensional Direct Laser Written Waveguides on a Chip — •Alexander Landowski, Dominik Zepp, Sebastian Wingerter, Michael Renner, Georg von Freymann, and Artur Widera