14:30 |
Q 49.1 |
Frequency conversion from the near-infrared to the deep UV with an MgO crystal — •Dennis Mayer, Mario Niebuhr, Christian Matthaei, Axel Heuer, and Markus Gühr
14:45 |
Q 49.2 |
Development and characterization of a pulse preserving XUV multilayer monochromator — •Tanja Neumann, Yudong Yang, Roland Mainz, Franz Kärtner, and Thorsten Uphues
15:00 |
Q 49.3 |
Design and testing of a setup for sub two-cycle optical pulse compression from Ti:sapphire oscillators — •Philip Dienstbier, Takuya Higuchi, Francesco Tani, Michael Frosz, John Travers, Philip St. J. Russell, and Peter Hommelhoff
15:15 |
Q 49.4 |
Design and simulation of a NOPA for the pulse diagnostics XUV PUMA at FLASH, DESY — •Niklas Borchers, Martin Büscher, Mark Prandolini, Sven Toleikis, Bert Struve, and Ulrich Teubner
15:30 |
Q 49.5 |
Non-Collinear Circular Polarized High Harmonic Generation — •Patrik Grychtol, Jennifer Ellis, Kevin Dorney, Carlos Hernández-García, Franklin Dollar, Christopher Mancuso, Tinting Fan, Dmitriy Zusin, Christian Gentry, Charles Durfee, Daniel Hickstein, Henry Kapteyn, and Margaret Murnane
15:45 |
Q 49.6 |
Synchronous interaction of free electrons with optical evanescent wave excited by femtosecond laser pulses — •Martin Kozak, Paul Beck, Joshua McNeur, Norbert Schönenberger, and Peter Hommelhoff
16:00 |
Q 49.7 |
Ultrashort pulsed compact 2050 nm fiber laser accelerating electrons at a dielectric structure — Heinar Hoogland, Joshua McNeur, Martin Kozák, •Peter Hommelhoff, and Ronald Holzwarth
16:15 |
Q 49.8 |
Temporal characterization of femtosecond electron bunches in a laser-triggered scanning electron microscope — •Norbert Schönenberger, Martin Kozák, Joshua McNeur, and Peter Hommelhoff
16:30 |
Q 49.9 |
Ultrafast laser fabrication of biomimetic micro and nano structured surfaces — •Evangelos Skoulas