17:00 |
Q 53.1 |
Topological phases and dynamics of topological excitations in the one-dimensional super-lattice Bose Hubbard model with non-local interactions — •Rui Li, Dominik Linzner, and Michael Fleischhauer
17:00 |
Q 53.2 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
17:00 |
Q 53.3 |
Towards a hybrid quantum system: ultrafast ionization of a Bose-Einstein condensate — Tobias Kroker, •Steffen Pehmöller, Bernhard Ruff, Juliette Simonet, Philipp Wessels, Markus Drescher, and Klaus Sengstock
17:00 |
Q 53.4 |
Magnetic field control for new periodic driving schemes in optical lattices — •Tobias Klafka, Alexander Ilin, Julius Seeger, Christoph Ölschläger, Juliette Simonet, and Klaus Sengstock
17:00 |
Q 53.5 |
Observation of parametric resonances in 1D shaken optical lattices — •Jakob Näger, Karen Wintersperger, Martin Reitter, Ulrich Schneider, and Immanuel Bloch
17:00 |
Q 53.6 |
Cavity-induced supersolidity and its elementary excitations — •Philip Zupancic, Julian Leonard, Andrea Morales, Tilman Esslinger, and Tobias Donner
17:00 |
Q 53.7 |
Towards Raman coupling induced 2D spin-orbit coupling for 87Rb — •Sebastian Bode, Felix Kösel, Holger Ahlers, Naceur Gaaloul, and Ernst M. Rasel
17:00 |
Q 53.8 |
Deterministic Loading of Arbitrary Potentials — •Romain Müller, Robert Heck, Otto Eliasson, Jens Laustsen, Aske Thorsen, Jan Arlt, and Jacob Sherson
17:00 |
Q 53.9 |
Non-equilibium BCS state in a Fermi gas — •Alexandra Behrle, Timothy Harrison, Martin Link, Andreas Kell, Kuiyi Gao, and Michael Köhl
17:00 |
Q 53.10 |
Spin and Charge Correlation Measurements in the 2D Hubbard Model — Jan Drewes, Luke Miller, Eugenio Cocchi, Chun Fai Chan, Nicola Wurz, •Marcell Gall, Daniel Pertot, Ferdinand Brennecke, and Michael Köhl
17:00 |
Q 53.11 |
BEC of 41K in a Fermi Sea of 6Li — Rianne S. Lous, Isabella Fritsche, •Fabian Lehmann, Michael Jag, Emil Kirilov, Bo Huang, and Rudolf Grimm
17:00 |
Q 53.12 |
Probing Many-body physics with an ultra-narrow clock transition in an Ytterbium quantum gas — •Bodhaditya Santra, Benjamin Abeln, Bastian Hundt, André Kochanke, Thomas Ponath, Anna Skottke, Klaus Sengstock, and Christoph Becker
17:00 |
Q 53.13 |
Local control of transport in an atomic quantum wire: from one scanning gate to a finite size lattice — •Samuel Häusler, Martin Lebrat, Dominik Husmann, Laura Corman, Sebastian Krinner, Shuta Nakajima, Jean-Philippe Brantut, and Tilman Esslinger
17:00 |
Q 53.14 |
Interacting Anyons in a One-Dimensional Optical Lattice — •Martin Bonkhoff, Kevin Jägering, Sebastian Eggert, and Axel Pelster
17:00 |
Q 53.15 |
Creating topological interfaces and detecting chiral edge modes in a two-dimensional optical lattice — •Frederik Görg, Nathan Goldman, Gregor Jotzu, Michael Messer, Kilian Sandholzer, Rémi Desbuquois, and Tilman Esslinger
17:00 |
Q 53.16 |
Transport dynamics in optical lattices with flux — •Ana Hudomal, Ivana Vasić, Walter Hofstetter, and Antun Balaž
17:00 |
Q 53.17 |
Towards the investigation of collective scattering in nanofiber-trapped atomic ensembles — •Adarsh S. Prasad, Jakob Hinney, Samuel Rind, Philipp Schneeweiss, Jürgen Volz, Christoph Clausen, and Arno Rauschenbeutel
17:00 |
Q 53.18 |
Setup of a new micro-structured linear Paul trap with integrated solenoids and reduced axial micromotion — •H. Siebeneich, D. Kaufmann, T. Gloger, P. Kaufmann, M. Johanning, and ch. Wunderlich
17:00 |
Q 53.19 |
Design and construction of a Perpetual Atom Laser Machine — •Chun-Chia Chen, Shayne Bennetts, Benjamin Pasquiou, and Florian Schreck
17:00 |
Q 53.20 |
Optical trapping of neutral mercury — •Holger John and Thomas Walther
17:00 |
Q 53.21 |
Diffusion of Single Atoms in Bath — •Daniel Adam, Farina Kindermann, Tobias Lausch, Daniel Mayer, Felix Schmidt, Steve Haupt, Michael Hohmann, Nicolas Spethmann, and Artur Widera
17:00 |
Q 53.22 |
Kinetic Monte Carlo simulation of percolation in driven-dissipative Rydberg gases — •Stephan Helmrich, Philipp Fabritius, Graham Lochead, and Shannon Whitlock
17:00 |
Q 53.23 |
Simulation of many-body spin dynamics using Rydberg atoms — •Renato Ferracini Alves, Miguel Ferreira-Cao, Vladislav Gavryusev, Sebastian Geier, Andre Salzinger, Gerhard Zürn, Adrien Signoles, Shannon Whitlock, and Matthias Weidemüller
17:00 |
Q 53.24 |
Noise resistant coupling between Rydberg atoms and a superconducting cavity via dipole-dipole interactions — •Daniel Viscor, Wildan Abdussalam, József Fortágh, Antoine Browaeys, Thierry Lahaye, and Thomas Pohl
17:00 |
Q 53.25 |
Ultra cold dipolar 23Na40K molecules in Garching — Frauke Seeßelberg, •Xin-Yu Luo, Nikolaus W. Buchheim, Zhenkai Lu, Immanuel Bloch, and Christoph Gohle
17:00 |
Q 53.26 |
Optical transport of ultracold atoms for the production of groundstate RbYb — •Tobias Franzen, Bastian Pollklesener, Fabian Türck, Richarda Niemann, and Axel Görlitz
17:00 |
Q 53.27 |
Cavity-controlled chemical reactions of ultracold atoms — Tobias Kampschulte, Limei Wang, •Guangming Liu, Andreas Köhn, and Johannes Hecker Denschlag
17:00 |
Q 53.28 |
Optical formation of weakly-bound, fermionic 87Rb87Sr molecules — •Alessio Ciamei, Vincent Barbé, Benjamin Pasquiou, and Florian Schreck
17:00 |
Q 53.29 |
ATLIX - probing the wave nature of antiprotons — •Simon Müller, Andrea Demetrio, Pierre Lansonneur, Patrick Nedelec, and Markus K. Oberthaler
17:00 |
Q 53.30 |
Realistic simulation of expansion dynamics of an ultracold gas for atom interferometry — •Srihari Srinivasan and Reinhold Walser
17:00 |
Q 53.31 |
Cold quantum gases in adaptive scales — •Jan Teske and Reinhold Walser
17:00 |
Q 53.32 |
Superconducting coherent electron beam sources and a compact matter wave interferometer for sensor applications — •Nicole Kerker, Andreas Pooch, Georg Schütz, Michael Seidling, Moritz Layer, Nicolas Seitz, and Alexander Stibor
17:00 |
Q 53.33 |
Second-order correlation analysis for single particle interferometry with applications in sensor technologies — •Robin Röpke, Alexander Rembold, Georg Schütz, Andreas Günther, and Alexander Stibor
17:00 |
Q 53.34 |
Trade-off of atomic sources for extended-time atom interferometry — •Sina Loriani, Dennis Schlippert, Christian Schubert, Ernst Maria Rasel, and Naceur Gaaloul
17:00 |
Q 53.35 |
Theoretical study of Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices towards large momentum transfer atom interferometers — •Jan-Niclas Siemss, Ernst Maria Rasel, Klemens Hammerer, and Naceur Gaaloul
17:00 |
Q 53.36 |
Fast BEC transport with atoms chips for inertial sensing — •Robin Corgier, Sirine Amri, Eric Charron, Ernst Maria Rasel, and Naceur Gaaloul
17:00 |
Q 53.37 |
Optical systems for BEC-based atom interferometry on the sounding rocket mission MAIUS-I — •André Wenzlawski, Kai Lampmann, Moritz Mihm, Ortwin Hellmig, Klaus Sengstock, Patrick Windpassinger, and the MAIUS team
17:00 |
Q 53.38 |
Matterwave Sagnac interferometer using state dependent guiding of atoms in a ring trap. — •Fabio Gentile, Thomas Bishop, Jamie Johnson, Mark Bason, Sindhu Jammy, Tadas Pyragius, Hans Marin Florez, and Thomas Fernholz
17:00 |
Q 53.39 |
First Bose-Einstein Condensate in Space — •Maike D. Lachmann, Dennis Becker, Stephan T. Seidel, Ernst M. Rasel, Wolfgang Ertmer, and Collaboration QUANTUS
17:00 |
Q 53.40 |
Ultra-stable laser for a magnesium lattice clock — •Steffen Sauer, Steffen Rühmann, Dominka Fim, Klaus Zipfel, Nandan Jha, Waldemar Friesen, Pia Koopmann, Wolfgang Ertmer, and Ernst M. Rasel
17:00 |
Q 53.41 |
Collective effects in driving the 229Th nuclear transition — •Brenden S. Nickerson and Adriana Pálffy
17:00 |
Q 53.42 |
Realization of magnesium optical lattice clock — •Nandan Jha, Dominika Fim, Klaus Zipfel, Steffen Rühmann, Steffen Sauer, Waldemar Friesen, Wolfgang Ertmer, and Ernst Rasel
17:00 |
Q 53.43 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
17:00 |
Q 53.44 |
Automatization of a spaceborne iodine frequency reference based on a diode laser at 1064 nm — •Franz Gutsch, Klaus Döringshoff, Vladimir Schkolnik, Markus Krutzik, Achim Peters, and The JOKARUS Team
17:00 |
Q 53.45 |
Near-field microwave control of trapped ions for scalable quantum simulation and quantum information processing — •G. Zarantonello, H. Hahn, S. Grondkowski, T. Dubielzig, F. Ude, M. Wahnschaffe, A. Bautista-Salvador, and C. Ospelkaus
17:00 |
Q 53.46 |
Anticoherence measures for spin states — •Dorian Baguette and John Martin
17:00 |
Q 53.47 |
Exact zeros of entanglement for arbitrary rank-two mixtures derived from a geometric view of the zero polytope — •Andreas Osterloh
17:00 |
Q 53.48 |
Continuous-variable quantum teleportation can enhance probabilistic discrete-variable quantum gates — •Fabian Ewert and Peter van Loock
17:00 |
Q 53.49 |
Long-range Rydberg-blockade entangling gate mediated by auxiliary atoms — •Alexandre Cesa and John Martin
17:00 |
Q 53.50 |
Entangling atoms over a large distance — •Robert Garthoff, Daniel Burchardt, Kai Redeker, Norbert Ortegel, Wenjamin Rosenfeld, and Harald Weinfurter
17:00 |
Q 53.51 |
Quantum Receivers for Coherent Communication — •Sourav Chatterjee, Christian R. Müller, Gerd Leuchs, and Christoph Marquardt
17:00 |
Q 53.52 |
Integration of a high-speed continuous-variable quantum random number generator — Imran Khan, Christoph Pacher, •Jonas Pudelko, Momtchil Peev, Bernhard Schrenk, Winfried Boxleitner, Edwin Querasser, Christoph Varga, Philipp Grabenweger, Christoph Marquardt, and Gerd Leuchs
17:00 |
Q 53.53 |
Generating entanglement between a trapped ion and the time-bin of a photon — •Konstantin Friebe, Moonjoo Lee, Dario A. Fioretto, Markus Teller, Klemens Schüppert, Florian R. Ong, Pierre Jobez, Florian Kranzl, Rainer Blatt, and Tracy E. Northup
17:00 |
Q 53.54 |
Silicon-Vacancy Color Centers in Diamond at Millikelvin Temperatures — •Alexander Stahl, Max Hettrich, Mathias Metsch, Michael Kern, Lachlan J. Rogers, Fedor Jelezko, and Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
17:00 |
Q 53.55 |
Generation and evaluation of entangled multipartite nuclear spin states — •Stefan Jesenski, Sebastian Zaiser, Johannes Greiner, Philipp Neumann, Durga Dasari, and Jörg Wrachtrup
17:00 |
Q 53.56 |
Towards the realisation of an atom trap in the evanescent field of a microresonator — •Luke Masters, Elisa Will, Michael Scheucher, Adèle Hilico, Jürgen Volz, and Arno Rauschenbeutel
17:00 |
Q 53.57 |
Fabrication of micro resonator mirrors using CO2 laser — •Max Deisböck, Stefan Häußler, Andrea Filipovski, Riccardo Cipolletti, and Alexander Kubanek
17:00 |
Q 53.58 |
Strong coupling between nanofiber-trapped atoms and fully fiber-integrated Fabry-Perot microresonator — •Martin Blaha, Sarah M. Skoff, and Arno Rauschenbeutel
17:00 |
Q 53.59 |
Quantum simulators for open quantum systems using quantum Zeno dynamics — •Sabrina Patsch and Christiane P. Koch
17:00 |
Q 53.60 |
Macrorealistic extensions of relativistic quantum theory — •Silas Bischoff and Klaus Hornberger
17:00 |
Q 53.61 |
Master equations for disordered quantum systems — •Chahan Kropf and Andreas Buchleitner
17:00 |
Q 53.62 |
Operational description of a momentum observable — •Fabio Di Pumpo, Hannes Weber, and Matthias Freyberger
17:00 |
Q 53.63 |
Laser and cavity cooling of a mechanical resonator with a nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond — •Luigi Giannelli, Ralf Betzholz, Laura Kreiner, Marc Bienert, and Giovanna Morigi
17:00 |
Q 53.64 |
Recent progress in generating squeezed vacuum states in a nonlinear crystalline whispering gallery mode resonator — •Alexander Otterpohl, Gerhard Schunk, Ulrich Vogl, Florian Sedlmeir, Golnoush Shafiee, Dmitry Strekalov, Tobias Gehring, Harald G. L. Schwefel, Ulrik L. Andersen, Gerd Leuchs, and Christoph Marquardt
17:00 |
Q 53.65 |
Feedback cooling of an optically levitated silica nanosphere in a Michelson-Sagnac interferometer — •Manuel Reisenbauer, Ralf Riedinger, and Markus Aspelmeyer
17:00 |
Q 53.66 |
Narrow-band single-photon source by resonant excitation of a nitrogen-vacancy center coupled to a microresonator — •Florian Böhm, Christoph Pyrlik, Jan Schlegel, Andreas Thies, Andreas Wicht, and Oliver Benson
17:00 |
Q 53.67 |
Efficient solid-state light-matter interfaces based on dielectric slot waveguides and diamond colour centers — •Martin Zeitlmair, Philipp Altpeter, Peter Fischer, Markus Weber, and Harald Weinfurter
17:00 |
Q 53.68 |
Strong coupling between two optical λ/2 Fabry-Pérot resonators — •Achim Junginger, Felix Blendinger, Michael Metzger, Alexander Konrad, Marc Brecht, and Alfred J. Meixner
17:00 |
Q 53.69 |
Temperature dependent measurements of spin relaxation times of NV centers in nanodiamonds — •Lukas Antoniuk, Andreas Dietrich, Stefan Häußler, Kobinian Kottmann, Ilai Schwarz, Christoph Müller, Fedor Jelezko, and Alexander Kubanek
17:00 |
Q 53.70 |
An optical nanofiber-based interface for single molecules — •Hardy Schauffert, David Papencordt, Sarah M. Skoff, Bernhard C. Bayer, and Arno Rauschenbeutel
17:00 |
Q 53.71 |
Creation of Color Centers in Diamond by Focused Ion Implantation — •Johannes Lang, Philipp Vetter, Boris Naydenov, and Fedor Jelezko
17:00 |
Q 53.72 |
Coherent control of free-electron beams on attosecond time scales — •Christopher Rathje, Katharina E. Priebe, Armin Feist, Sascha Schäfer, and Claus Ropers
17:00 |
Q 53.73 |
Frequenzverdopplung in β-Bariumborat (β -BBO) unter Anwendung elliptischer Fokussierung in einem externen Resonator für den Einsatz zur Ionenstrahlkühlung — •Daniel Preißler, Daniel Kiefer, Thorsten Führer und Thomas Walther
17:00 |
Q 53.74 |
Q-switched Yb:YAG channel waveguide laser using low-dimensional carbon nanomaterials — •Sun Young Choi, Mi Hye Kim, Fabian Rotermund, Christian Kränkel, and Thomas Calmano
17:00 |
Q 53.75 |
Efficient high repetition rate difference frequency generation in PPLN for MIR sum frequency microscopy — Christoph Kölbel, •Lukas Ebner, Martin Winterhalder, and Andreas Zumbusch
17:00 |
Q 53.76 |
Autonomously operating laser systems for quantum sensors in space - from sounding rockets to small satellites — •Aline Dinkelaker, Max Schiemangk, Vladimir Schkolnik, Andrew Kenyon, Markus Krutzik, Achim Peters, and The KALEXUS MAIUS and LASUS Teams
17:00 |
Q 53.77 |
Zerodur-based optical systems for dual-species atom interferometry in space — •Moritz Mihm, Kai Lampmann, André Wenzlawski, Ortwin Hellmig, Klaus Doeringshoff, Markus Krutzik, Achim Peters, Patrick Windpassinger, and the MAIUS Team
17:00 |
Q 53.78 |
Ionisationsstudie mit Beryllium — •Sebastian Wolf, Frederic Wagner, Dominik Studer, Klaus Wendt und Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
17:00 |
Q 53.79 |
Dispersion engineering of integrated photon pair sources at telecommunication wavelength — •Mahnaz Doostdar, Matteo Santandrea, Vahid Ansari, Christof Eigner, Raimund Ricken, Helge Rütz, and Christine Silberhorn
17:00 |
Q 53.80 |
Low Noise Fast Multichannel Arbitrary waveform Generator for the Segmented Trap — •Vidyut Kaushal, Heinz Lenk, Ulrich G. Poschinger, and Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
17:00 |
Q 53.81 |
Modified dipole-dipole interaction and dissipation in an atomic ensemble near a surface — •Ryan Jones and Beatriz Olmos
17:00 |
Q 53.82 |
Entangled photons triplets, produced via third order parametric down conversion in bulk materials — Cameron Okoth, •Andrea Cavanna, and Maria Chekhova
17:00 |
Q 53.83 |
Relativistic Quantum Information Experiments with a Geostationary Satellite — •Ömer Bayraktar, Kevin Günthner, Imran Khan, Dominique Elser, Christoph Marquardt, and Gerd Leuchs
17:00 |
Q 53.84 |
2D layer of dipolarly coupled nuclear spins for a solid state quantum simulator — •Nikolas Tomek, Paz London, Timo Weggler, Kohei Itoh, Hideyuki Watanabe, Boris Naydenov, and Fedor Jelezko
17:00 |
Q 53.85 |
Pulse-to-pulse measurements on a broadband PDC source — •Thomas Dirmeier, Imran Khan, Georg Harder, Vahid Ansari, Johannes Tiedau, Ulrich Vogl, Gerd Leuchs, Christoph Marquardt, and Christine Silberhorn
17:00 |
Q 53.86 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
17:00 |
Q 53.87 |
Using Schrödinger cat states of Rydberg atoms to measure fast electric fields — •Eva-Katharina Dietsche, Arthur Larrouy, Adrien Facon, Serge Haroche, Jean-Michel Raimond, Michel Brune, and Sebastien Gleyzes