Mainz 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 58: Quantum Gases: Fermions III
Freitag, 10. März 2017, 14:30–16:30, P 204
14:30 |
Q 58.1 |
Spin chains of strongly interacting one-dimensional multicomponent gases — •Frank Deuretzbacher, Daniel Becker, Johannes Bjerlin, Stephanie Reimann, and Luis Santos
14:45 |
Q 58.2 |
Revealing "hidden" antiferromagnetic correlations in hole-doped Hubbard chains via string correllators — •Timon Hilker, Guillaume Salomon, Martin Boll, Ahmed Omran, Jayadev Vijayan, Joannis Koepsell, Immanuel Bloch, and Christian Gross
15:00 |
Q 58.3 |
Transport of ultracold fermions through a mesoscopic one-dimensional lattice — •Martin Lebrat, Dominik Husmann, Samuel Häusler, Laura Corman, Sebastian Krinner, Pjotrs Grišins, Thierry Giamarchi, Jean-Philippe Brantut, and Tilman Esslinger
15:15 |
Q 58.4 |
Measuring density and spin correlations in the two dimensional Hubbard model — •Jan Henning Drewes, Luke Miller, Eugenio Cocchi, Chun Fai Chan, Nicola Wurz, Marcell Gall, Daniel Pertot, Ferdinand Brennecke, and Michael Köhl
15:30 |
Q 58.5 |
Modulation spectroscopy of ultracold fermions in optical superlattices — •Karla Loida, Jean-Sébastien Bernier, and Corinna Kollath
15:45 |
Q 58.6 |
Quantum simulation of strong field phenomena in optical lattices — •Nikodem Szpak
16:00 |
Q 58.7 |
Detecting topological order in finite-temperature and driven dissipative systems — •Dominik Linzner and Michael Fleischhauer
16:15 |
Q 58.8 |
Thermoelectric effects at an atomic quantum point contact — •Laura Corman, Dominik Husmann, Martin Lebrat, Samuel Häusler, Jean-Philippe Brantut, and Tilman Esslinger