17:00 |
Q 9.1 |
A single ion coupled to UV fiber cavity — •Pascal Kobel, Timothy Ballance, Kilian Kluge, Konstantin Ott, Hendrik M. Meyer, Jakob Reichel, and Michael Köhl
17:15 |
Q 9.2 |
Controlled absorption of a single photon — •Luigi Giannelli, Tom Schmit, Susanne Blum, Daniel M. Reich, Christiane P. Koch, Tommaso Calarco, and Giovanna Morigi
17:30 |
Q 9.3 |
Low temperature spectroscopy of Germanium vacancy center — •Mathias H. Metsch, Lachlan J. Rogers, Aroosa Ijaz, Jan M. Binder, Petr Siyushev, and Fedor Fedor
17:45 |
Q 9.4 |
ODMR on diamond’s negatively charged defects based on IV group of elements — •Petr Siyushev, Mathias Metsch, Lachlan Rogers, Aroosa Ijaz, and Fedor Jelezko
18:00 |
Q 9.5 |
Robustness of orbital-angular-momentum photons under perturbations. — •Giacomo Sorelli, Vyacheslav Shatokhin, and Andreas Buchleitner
18:15 |
Q 9.6 |
Universal entanglement decay of twisted photons in a weakly turbulent atmosphere — •David Bachmann, Vyacheslav Shatokhin, and Andreas Buchleitner
18:30 |
Q 9.7 |
Quantum-Limited Measurements of Optical Signals from a Geostationary Satellite — •Kevin Günthner, Imran Khan, Dominique Elser, Birgit Stiller, Ömer Bayraktar, Christian R. Müller, Karen Saucke, Daniel Tröndle, Frank Heine, Stefan Seel, Peter Greulich, Herwig Zech, Björn Gütlich, Ines Richter, Sabine Philipp-May, Christoph Marquardt, and Gerd Leuchs
18:45 |
Q 9.8 |
Progress on continuous-variable high-speed quantum key distribution compatible with telecom networks — Imran Khan, Birgit Stiller, Ulrich Vogl, •Stefan Richter, Kevin Jaksch, Kevin Günthner, Christian Peuntinger, Dominique Elser, Christoph Pacher, Christoph Marquardt, and Gerd Leuchs