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HK: Fachverband Physik der Hadronen und Kerne

HK 27: Poster

HK 27.40: Poster

Tuesday, March 28, 2017, 16:45–18:45, F Foyer

Determination of the tritium Q-value at the KATRIN experiment — •Rudolf Sack for the KATRIN collaboration — WWU Münster

KATRIN is a next generation tritium β−decay experiment which will allow a model independent investigation of the sub eV neutrino mass scale. With an estimated sensitivity of 0.2 eV/c2 (90 % C.L.) it will improve the sensitivity on direct neutrino mass measurements by one order of magnitude. To reach this goal, it is important to understand the systematic effects of this experiment. All systematic uncertainties combined must not exceed an uncertainty of 0.017 eV2/c4 on mν2. The measurement of the Q-value of tritium β−decay, which is closely related to the endpoint E0 of the electron energy spectrum, has great potential to check the whole experiment for systematic effects. The value obtained at KATRIN can be compared to results of Penning trap experiments, performed e.g. EG Meyers et al. at Florida SU, who published this value with an uncertainty of only 70 meV. This will allow us to check the systematics of the experiment, assuming that we can control our energy scale at this level. The estimated statistical error will be Δ E0 = 2−3 meV after the full three years of measurement time.
This work is supported by the Research and Training Group GRK2149.

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