T 114: Pixeldetektoren 6 (gemeinsam mit HK)
Donnerstag, 30. März 2017, 16:45–19:00, F 073
16:45 |
T 114.1 |
The CBM-MVD: Group Report — •Michal Koziel for the CBM-MVD collaboration
17:15 |
T 114.2 |
Passive CMOS pixel sensors as large area alternatives for HL-LHC trackers — •Ivan Dario Caicedo Sierra, Jochen Dingfelder, Tomasz Hemperek, Toko Hirono, Fabian Hügging, Jens Janssen, Hans Krüger, Anna Macchiolo, David-Leon Pohl, and Norbert Wermes
17:30 |
T 114.3 |
Development of radiation-hard 3D pixel sensors for the HL-LHC — •Jörn Lange, Emanuele Cavallaro, Fabian Förster, Sebastian Grinstein, Ivan Lopez Paz, Maria Manna, Stefano Terzo, and David Vazquez Furelos
17:45 |
T 114.4 |
Design studies on the MimoSIS pixel sensor for the CBM-MVD — •Philipp Sitzmann for the CBM-MVD collaboration
18:00 |
T 114.5 |
Edge effects of radiation damaged silicon pad diodes — •Benedict Tohermes, Eckhart Fretwurst, Erika Garutti, Michael Hufschmidt, Robert Klanner, and Jörn Schwandt
18:15 |
T 114.6 |
Optimierung der Sensorparameter von Makropixelsensoren für das Phase II Upgrade des CMS-Trackers — Alexander Dierlamm, Thomas Müller, •Daniel Schell und Florian Wittig
18:30 |
T 114.7 |
Finalizing the CBM-MVD Geometry: CAD and Simulation — •Philipp Klaus for the CBM-MVD collaboration
18:45 |
T 114.8 |
Serial Powering Pixel Stave Prototype for the ATLAS ITk upgrade — •Viacheslav Filimonov, Laura Gonella, Fabian Hügging, and Norbert Wermes