T 19: Flavourphysik (Theorie)
Monday, March 27, 2017, 16:45–19:00, VSH 06
16:45 |
T 19.1 |
Leptoquark Flavor Patterns and B Decay Anomalies — Gudrun Hiller, Dennis Loose, and •Kay Schönwald
17:00 |
T 19.2 |
Flavour signatures in Pati-Salam — •Marta Moscati and Monika Blanke
17:15 |
T 19.3 |
Precision calculation of B → Xc τ ν and the R(D(*)) puzzle — •Farnoush Shahriaran, Thomas Mannel, and Aleksey V. Rusov
17:30 |
T 19.4 |
The Axiflavon — •Robert Ziegler
17:45 |
T 19.5 |
Exclusive B(s) → π (K) ℓ+ ℓ− decays at large recoil and CKM matrix elements — Alexander Khodjamirian and •Aleksey Rusov
18:00 |
T 19.6 |
QCD Factorization for B→ππℓν Decays at Large Dipion Masses — •Philipp Böer, Danny van Dyk, and Thorsten Feldmann
18:15 |
T 19.7 |
CP violation in non-leptonic three-body B decays — Keri Vos, •Rebecca Klein, Javier Virto, and Thomas Mannel
18:30 |
T 19.8 |
Pseudo-scalar D-meson decay constants from three- flavour lattice QCD — Sara Collins, •Kevin Eckert, Jochen Heitger, Stefan Hofmann, and Wolfgang Söldner
18:45 |
T 19.9 |
Rare radiative D-decays in QCD factorization — Thorsten Feldmann, •Bastian Müller, and Dirk Seidel