T 66: Grid-Computing
Tuesday, March 28, 2017, 16:45–19:10, JUR 372
16:45 |
T 66.1 |
Group Report:
Computing strategy to cope with the upcoming massive HEP and HI data collection — •Thomas Kreß and Kilian Schwarz
17:05 |
T 66.2 |
ATLAS simulation on ARM-64 bit servers; porting, validation and benchmarks — Gen Kawamura, Arnulf Quadt, and •Joshua Wyatt Smith
17:20 |
T 66.3 |
Data intensive workflows in the Cloud — Gen Kawamura, Oliver Keeble, Arnulf Quadt, and •Gerhard Rzehorz
17:35 |
T 66.4 |
On-demand provisioning of HEP compute resources on shared HPC centers — Frank Fischer, •Günther Erli, Manuel Giffels, Thomas Hauth, and Günter Quast
17:50 |
T 66.5 |
Experience with Docker Container at Tier-3 Operations — •Matthias J. Schnepf, Christoph Heidecker, Frank Fischer, Max Fischer, Manuel Giffels, and Günter Quast
18:05 |
T 66.6 |
Advantages of coordinated caching for run 2 analyses — •Christoph Heidecker, Max Fischer, Manuel Giffels, and Günter Quast
18:20 |
T 66.7 |
Virtualization of the ATLAS Software Environment on the bwForCluster NEMO — •Ulrike Schnoor, Felix Buehrer, Anton Gamel, Konrad Meier, and Markus Schumacher
18:35 |
T 66.8 |
GridKa Tier-1 Zentrum - Status und Zukunft — •Max Fischer und Andreas Petzold
18:50 |
T 66.9 |
Group Report:
Die Belle II Software — •Martin Ritter und Thomas Kuhr für die Belle II Kollaboration