Münster 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
T 73: Higgs-Boson 6 (Zerfälle in Tau-Leptonen)
Mittwoch, 29. März 2017, 16:45–19:00, JUR 3
16:45 |
T 73.1 |
Analysis of the Higgs boson decaying to a pair of tau leptons using Run-2 data from ATLAS — •Stephanie Yuen, Benedict Winter, Will Davey, and Jochen Dingfelder
17:00 |
T 73.2 |
Higgs to Tau Pair coupling measurement in the lepton-hadron final state — Ulla Blumenschein, •Antonio De Maria, Arnulf Quadt, and Zinonas Zinonos
17:15 |
T 73.3 |
Ditau mass reconstruction techniques at the ATLAS experiment — •Michael Hübner, Philip Bechtle, Klaus Desch, Christian Grefe, Peter Wagner, and Maike Hansen
17:30 |
T 73.4 |
Modelling of Z→ττ processes with τ-embedded Z→µµ data in ATLAS — Elias Coniavitis, •Alena Lösle, Dirk Sammel, Markus Schumacher, and Duc Bao Ta
17:45 |
T 73.5 |
Data-driven estimation of backgrounds with jets misidentified as hadronic τ decays in the semileptonic Higgs decay-channel H→τhadτlep at the ATLAS experiment. — •Fabian Becherer, Elias Coniavitis, Dirk Sammel, and Markus Schumacher
18:00 |
T 73.6 |
Search for H→ ττ decays using multivariate techniques in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS Detector — •Frank Sauerburger, Minoru Hirose, Karsten Köneke, and Karl Jakobs
18:15 |
T 73.7 |
Establishment of the Standard Model H → τ τ signal in LHC Run II — •Raphael Friese, Roger Wolf, Andrew Gilbert, and Günter Quast
18:30 |
T 73.8 |
Machine learning for H→ττ — •Carina Brandt, Adrian Perieanu, Oliver Rieger, Peter Schleper, Daniel Troendle, and Annika Vanhoefer
18:45 |
T 73.9 |
Measurement of the energy scale of charged and neutral pions in hadronic τ decays at CMS — Vladimir Cherepanov, Gunter Flugge, •Olena Hlushchenko, Bastian Kargoll, Wolfgang Lohmann, Thomas Muller, Alexander Nehrkorn, Claudia Pistone, Hale Sert, Achim Stahl, and Alexander Zotz