16:45 |
T 74.1 |
New Physics in multi-Higgs boson final states — Wolfgang Kilian, Sichun Sun, Qi-Shu Yan, Xiaoran Zhao, and •Zhijie Zhao
17:00 |
T 74.2 |
Search for Higgs boson pair production in the b b τ+ τ− final state with the ATLAS detector — •Alessandra Betti, Tatjana Lenz, and Norbert Wermes
17:15 |
T 74.3 |
Search for resonant and non-resonant di-Higgs production in the decay channel γ γ WW*, with hadronically decaying W-bosons in the boosted topology. — •Kai Henßen, Jason Veatch, and Stan Lai
17:30 |
T 74.4 |
Di-Higgs Suche in dem Zerfallskanal γγ WW mit WW → lν qq und der „boosted“ Topologie — •Kira Abeling, Jason Veatch und Stan Lai
17:45 |
T 74.5 |
Suche nach einem schweren, pseudoskalaren Higgs-Boson A im Zerfallskanal Zh, mit Z→νν/ℓ+ ℓ− und h→ bb, in pp-Kollisionen bei 13 TeV mit dem ATLAS-Experiment — •Hannah Arnold und Christian Weiser
18:00 |
T 74.6 |
Measurement of the CP properties of the Higgs boson production — Vladimir Cherepanov, •Jordy Degens, Peter Fackeldey, Günter Flügge, Olena Hlushchenko, Bastian Kargoll, Wolfgang Lohmann, Thomas Müller, Alexander Nehrkorn, Claudia Pistone, Hale Sert, Achim Stahl, and Alexander Zotz
18:15 |
T 74.7 |
Analysis of τ-spin correlations in Z→τ+τ− decays at ATLAS — •Maike Hansen, Philip Bechtle, Klaus Desch, Christian Grefe, Michael Hübner, and Peter Wagner
18:30 |
T 74.8 |
Study of the Higgs boson’s CP properties in the τ τ decay channel with the CMS experiment — Vladimir Cherepanov, Günter Flügge, Olena Hlushchenko, Bastian Kargoll, Wolfgang Lohmann, Thomas Müller, Alexander Nehrkorn, •Claudia Pistone, Hale Sert, Achim Stahl, and Alexander Zotz
18:45 |
T 74.9 |
Investigation of the CP Nature of the Higgs Boson in VBF H→ ττ Events at √s = 13 TeV — •Serhat Ördek, Michel Janus, and Stan Lai
19:00 |
T 74.10 |
Untersuchung der CP-Natur des Higgs-Bosons in der Produktion durch Vektorbosonfusion mittels Optimaler Observable im Zerfallskanal H→τlτh mit dem ATLAS-Detektor bei √s = 13 TeV — Elias Coniavitis, •Dirk Sammel und Markus Schumacher